Come along to our Paddock Wood Information Day

Breast Cancer Care is holding a Living with Secondary Breast Cancer Information Day in  Paddock Wood  on Tuesday 3rd September 2019.


It’s a full day of information and support and chance to meet up and chat with others with a diagnosis of secondary breast cancer. There will be expert speakers delivering information around Medical Management, Complementary Therapies, and support services available at Breast Cancer Care. It will also provide an opportunity for you to have a Q&A session with an oncologist, and to find out more about the monthly meetings of the group.


You are welcome to bring along a guest, it’s completely free to attend and all refreshments and lunch will be provided. If you’d like to book a place or would like to find out more about the Information Day or the ongoing monthly meetings in Paddock Wood please contact us on  0345 077 1893  or email  


Best wishes

