Completed Chemo!!!!

Hi all

I am so excited I finished my 6th FEC today!! I have also had news that my mother who had a triple heart bypass today is doing OK. My BP was so high today I thought they might delay chemo but it went ahead and I FINISHED!!!
Next step 6 weeks Rads, after christmas.
Thanks for all the support, and all the very best to everyone.

Kim x


well done Kime, you’re through the chemo battle - and a good long rest before rads. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

hugs x x

Well done Kim, such a relief to know you have got through it isnt it. Although we are still on our journeys, it is another step forward.

Glad to hear your Mum is doing OK too. Enjoy your crimbo without any worries and hope the rads goes well in the new year.


Well done Kim! Ang so pleased your mum is also doing OK

Cecelia. x

Well done Kim good luck with the next phase. I will be finishing on the 11th!!!

Thank you everyone
What would we do without our cyber friends on this roller coaster journey.

Wishing everyone the very best with whatever you are facing.


Well done Kim, Big Hug to you and good news about your mum.

Enjoy Christmas. Don’t do too much!


Hi Kim,

Well Done and big hugs


WELL DONE Kim…and good to hear your mum’s doing well.

karen x

Well done Kim, that is great news.

Best of luck with rads.

Teacup xx

Well Done Kim,
I had final FEC number 6 today 30/11 .I share this wonderful feeling with you.

I’m Going to feel ill in an hours of so but will go to bed and wait it out. probably till next friday but that will be IT!!

No Rads for me but I have a year of heceptin with my name on it.
Have a wonderful break, we should be fighting fit by Christmas.

Well done to you all whatever stage you are at!!


Hi all

Again thanks for all the good wishes.
Well done Karen for completing chemo also.
Even though going through the feeling rough stage currently It is brilliant to know no more chemo in three weeks time!!!
Good luck to everyone as Karen says whatever stage you are at.

Kim xxxx