Three weeks ago, I posted that I was anxious about starting adjuvant radiotherapy, described to me as a “belt and braces” approach following mastectomy. Two months before that, I was anxious about having my mastectomy. Two weeks before that, I was agonising about whether to have a reconstruction at the time of the operation. Two weeks prior to that, I was shocked to receive my diagnosis, and couldn’t even speak the word - cancer. What a carousel!
I have completed my 15 sessions of radiotherapy course yesterday with the only side effect being very slightly sensitive skin which responds very well to FlamIgel cream which I used fastidiously every day. I have come a very long way and am now looking forward to resuming most of my activities. Being a photographer, I found I did not want to carry around my heavy camera bag with kit and lenses, so my lovely husband bought me a new iPhone. Amazing!
I am posting here to show that there is light at the end of the tunnel which we are all passing through and are at different points in that journey. I may have concerns later, but today o am good and I know that I have support from friends, medical and nursing staff, and right here on this forum. I haven’t taken any photos for a while, here’s my iPhone photo collage taken to today in lovely sunshine.