complex case

My mum has recently been rediagnosed with breast cancer. She had it about 8 years ago and was treated with a lumpectomy and radiotherapy.
This time the cancer was found when her voice became hoarse and she was referred to ENT. They also found a neck lump and thought she had lung cancer. Various scans and tests later and they decided it was a primary breast cancer with secondary spread. However the neck lump is on the other side to the breast cancer which is more unusual apparently (it is on the same side as the original breast cancer) but pathology shows the neck lump to be related to the new cancer on the other side.
She has now been for lumpectomy and clearance of nodes under her arm. She is to be referred back to ENT to see if they want to remove the neck lump prior to radiotherapy starting.
It is all so confusing and complex and the consultants don’t like to give a definite answer as they say it is complex.
Any ideas if we should be asking for more or different way forward. Would love to hear from you as we feel fairly helpless .

Hi Evie

SOrry to hear about your mum. I can’t help really in terms of suggesting different ways forward - I have secondaries in my liver so more “straightforward” in many ways (and that at times is quite complicated enough!).

You’d probably be best actually posting though in the secondaries forum section as not all the ladies with secondaries read this section. I think you’d get more of a response there from other ladies who hopefully can help.

Take care Kay