Complicated unknown breast lump

Hi all, sorry in advance for the long post. 


I’m 27 years old and over Christmas during checking I found a lump in my right breast. It really panicked me so I went to the GP and an appointment was arranged to have an ultrasound scan but she felt it would be nothing but a cyst and not to worry. 


I had the appointment for the ultrasound scan scan last Monday and before the scan a nurse examed my breasts. She couldn’t feel anything and I agreed that I couldn’t feel anything anymore prior to the appointment. But I had the scan anyway. And there it was, a 10mm mass plain on the screen. They suggested a biopsy there and then but not to be worried. They thought that it might be a fibroadenoma and I had a leaflet to go away with and to go back today for my results. I felt ok about the first possible diagnosis and wasn’t worried. 


Today I had my results. The nurse said it was complicated because their first thought was a fibroadenoma but now they’re unsure if it’s something else. I was quite shocked so didn’t take in the name but think she said intraductal papilloma. Because of the discrepancy and the uncertainty I have to have the mass removed. She told me not to worry and they’re more commonly benign. But Now I’m starting to worry. 

What if its neither of these and it’s something more? I read it’s more common for older women 50+ to have intraductal papillomas, I’m only 27 and haven’t had any children so my breasts are not fully developed. 


Does anyone have any advice or experience with this? And can tell me more about the procedure? 

Hi Jadelou1891,

I’m sorry to hear that you are worried, hopefully one of our Forum members will be along soon to offer their support and advice. In the meantime you may find it helpful to speak with one of our specialists on our freeHelpline, 0808 800 6000. You may also want to post your question in theAsk Our Nursesarea of the Forum where our experts can respond to you online. We also have the following page on our website which you might find useful:

All the best,

Helena at Breast Cancer Care