Greetings! I am new to this forum although not new to mbc, which I was diagnosed with in 2011. Since then I’ve participated in the Inspire, community breast cancer, and bcmets online forums.
After I was diagnosed, I began researching mbc, its subtypes, and treatments on the Internet, and was overwhelmed by the vast amount of information, not all of which appeared reliable. It’s highly unfortunate that, at a time when the newly-diagnosed mbc patient can least concentrate, the effort to assemble science based information can be too much to handle. To that end, in 2015 I completed a 100+ page complimentary MBC Guide that has been sent on-request to more than 2,000 patients and caregivers worldwide.
The reason for this post is to offer my complimentary MBC Guide to participants on this site, and I have pre-cleared this offer with one of the site mods.
If you are deliberating about a change in treatment, struggling with a side effect, or wondering about what’s on the horizon regarding cutting edge research, please consider requesting a complimentary copy of “The Insider’s Guide to Metastatic Breast Cancer.”
Some feedback received:
“It’s absolutely amazing! It should be given to every woman immediately upon receiving a diagnosis of MBC.”
“A terrific read, so informative. I have learned more from you in one sitting than I did since this disease first had a “go” at me back in 2010. Thank you so much.”
To request your free copy, please send me a PM.
With best wishes to all.