
Hi, i have been told by oncologist to stop Tamoxifen for 3 weeks after almost straight away my blood pressure went high, was out of breath with a multitude of other dide effects that were only getting worse not better.

I was told that if my symptoms stopped clearly my body couldn’t tolerate Tamoxifen and there would be no other treatment available to me.

Though im happy to report side effects in the 1st week are already better I am concerned that if I receive no further treatment how at risk am I of breast cancer returning,  do I receive more regular check ups?

I would like to know if anyone been through this or is in this situation

Dear Jojobe,

So sorry to read your post, so many of just cannot tolerate Tamoxifen for one reason or another, however I feel you need a bit more reassurance on your next step, either go back to your BCN at your hospital, explaining how are you are feeling or call the lovely nurses on this site who hopefully will be able to point you in the right direction.

Unfortunately, since Covid, lots of hospitals have change their way of how they do follow-ups after cancer treatment, myself, I don’t really feel that this is good enough or reassuring I have had cancer twice and only have a mammogram once a year and waited four months for the results after chasing many times, but I think this is the way of the world. Now we have to look out for ourselves.

 I do hope you get some answers and reassurance very soon, wishing you health and happiness going forward, keep posting and let us know how you are doing.

hugs Tili :rainbow: :rainbow: