Concerns re a member

Hi All

Hope you are all well, I am writing because I have concerns re a member of the forum, who posts on the complementary therapy section. 
The member has not been diagnosed with BC, however feels the need to post advice re Nutrition, they have taken it upon themselves to be the therapist in this section.

I have exchanged words with this member, and I have reported them for advising inappropriately. Other members have also reported the member, however for one reason, or another, the moderators have done nothing, 

Please be mindful of this member giving advice, they have said they are a Nutritional therapist, which I don’t believe, as the advice they give is wrong. 
I come on here from time to time, I had BC, Iv been discharged now, however every so often I like to pop in, to read the posts, and share my own experiences if relevant. 
Due to the aggressive behaviour of the member in question, I feel I can no longer come on here, which I think is wrong. I believe this forum is for women and men, who have gone through or going through treatments, not for opportunists, trying to make money. 



Hi monicanatura,

I can confirm that we have now looked at the issue that was reported. I apologise it took us some time.

We want to be open and transparent about how our team moderates this Forum.

Our team is here to ensure a safe environment for our Forum users - an environment that is supportive and understanding, and one where people can come if they feel like they need a boost, or if they wish to support others going through a tough time.

We have guidelines in place that allow us to step in and remove posts that are spam, abusive or otherwise unpleasant to Forum users. We can also pre-moderate posts from certain users, so that they require approval before they are posted on the Forum. This is what we did in this case.

To everyone using our Forum to seek support, you are welcome here. To everyone coming here to offer support to others, thank you. We couldn’t do our work without you.

Sending our warmest wishes
