Confiance and Hot Flushes

Hi - just wanted to say that started taking Confiance tablets three weeks ago in the hope that they would help with the terrible hot flushes I was getting since starting Tamoxifen Nov 06, and they’ve finally kicked in over the last couple of days. I feel really great now not waking up so much during the night - only had one flush yesterday - amazing. Can’t remember who recommended them on this site (chemo brain!) but thank you if you’re reading this! For anyone else interested in trying you can get them from Holland Barrett and I think they were about £11 or £12 for 3 months supply. Well worth it!

Love and hugs, Jean xx

Hi Jean, never heard of these, but they sound great. Are they safe to take for all kinds of breast cancer sufferers? I am suffering with hot flushes, they have slowed down a little, but I am due to have my first Zoladex injection on Friday, and have a feeling they might get worse. Thanks for any info.


Hi Deborah, not sure , always best to ask your onc or GP I think. But my cancer is oestrogen positive and I’m on tamoxifen and when I first read about Confiance on this site the lady who recommended it was also oestrogen positive and taking tamoxifen and her onc/GP had said it would do her no harm. Sorry can’t be of more help in your case. Good luck for Friday - love and hugs, Jean xx

Thanks Daisies,
The flushes are the pits, so embarrassing. So i will try the tabs although i am always worried about taking anything incase of side affects.


It is possible to buy them from the manufacturer at a cost of £18.50 for a 6 month supply. I am not sure they are suitable for er+ women. It says on the site that "Citrus bioflavonoids (hesperidin) have been shown to have a very weak oestrogenic effect which might help alleviate some menopausal symptoms. " It is probably worth checking with your onc/breast care nurse before taking them.

Hi RMW26 - thanks for that - now am worried cos been taking them for over 3 weeks, will definitely ask BCN or onc what they think. It’s a mine-field - don’t know what to do for the best! Thanks for website link too. Love and hugs, Jean xx

Sometimes i despair, not enough is done for us regarding the sweats and other probs.
Glad you mentioned about the possible oestrogenic affects. Money remainin in pocket no miracle tabs sadly. I dont see onc until Oct and even then the DOZY reg’s i usually see wont be much help.

Shall just carry on sweating!!!
