confused about appointment

Hi everyone,


Just wondering if anyone can help with my query.  At my initial appointment, I saw one consultant who ordered the mammogram and ultrasound which lead to the biopsy.  I a due to get my results on Thursday at the same clinic, but from a different consultant.  Is this usual to be seen by more than consultant?  I realise it probably doesn’t mean anything but my mind is overdrive at the moment.




Hope everyone is doing ok today


Hadders x

Hi, my Breast care nurse gave me my results as my consultant didn’t have a clinic the week after I had my surgery, so I was asked if it was ok for her to give me my results which I had no problem with. It maybe that your consultant is on holiday or perhaps in another hospital as many practice in the nhs as well as private health care and they don’t want to keep you waiting longer than necessary. 

I totally sympathise with your mind being in overdrive & wish you all the best for your results x

Its understandable…its such a worrying time. You look for hints that something is wrong before u have been told. My first appointment it was only the Consultant who was present. My appointment on 31 January…a nurse came in and stood in room for 5 mins without speaking. My mind was racing imagining allsorts. Consultant then came in and told me biopsy was inconclusive. Second biopsy required. From what I can gather the hospital I attend have a Team. Am guessings its like that up and down the country. Good luck pet x