Hello All
I’m just after some advice as I’m feeling a little lost and confused at the moment. My Mum has very recently been diagnosed with DCIS, which prompted me to visit my GP with some pain I had been having in my right breast. Thought it was a pulled muscle. The GP noticed that it did feel slightly different (generally lumpier) so sent me to the breast clinic. I went last week and after examination, was told again it was different and there was also a small lump. Had a mammogram and ultrasound. Neither showed any signs of the lump, lumpier area or any other abnormalities. I was told that my breasts were very dense so the imaging may not be as accurate as could have been. I’m early 40s. Consultant examined me again and decided on a fine needle biopsy. I have been told today that this came back showing fibro fatty tissue. They have said they still can’t be sure all is ok, so want me to go back in 4 weeks for an examination and a core biopsy. My confusion is that it seems a long time to wait if they think another biopsy is required. I don’t want to google but does fibro fatty tissue raise concerns that they haven’t mentioned? I know I should have asked these things but it was over the phone and I just didn’t get chance. I feel a little left in limbo with my thinking - ranging from they can’t be too concerned to leave me 4 weeks, but at the same time are obviously unhappy to discharge me. With all that’s happened/is still happening with my Mum during the last few weeks I can’t shake the worry. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading. X
I’m sorry you have this additional worry. I don’t know anything about fibro fatty tissue but I wonder whether there is a reason that they want to wait before doing the core biopsy? Could you get in touch with the clinic and ask that question, if the answer is no then perhaps you could get it done sooner as the waiting for these things is always hard.
It sounds like you’re having a pretty tough time at the moment. As well as the support you receive here you might find it helpful to give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000. Here you talk through your thoughts and concerns with a member of staff who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information. Lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator