Hi all
Im 31 years old. I attended the GP as a few weeks previously I had noticed that one of my breasts had become larger than the other. Was quite an obvious difference. Additionally i began to have a white/clear discharge from the nipple of the same breast.
The GP reffered me to for breast screening at my local hospital. Recieved the appointment two weeks later.
I attended the appointment yesterday…
Ive never had screening before so didnt know what to expect. I was called into a room with a nurse and a doctor. asked to strip, lay down etc… soon became apparent to me i was having an ultrasound. No explanation as to why. This was done on the one breast. She explained ‘breasts change’ ‘they could still be growing’ and ‘couldnt see anything’. Was reminded id recieve a breast clinic appointment and sent on my way. This was said with her back to me as i was ushered out the door…
My appointment lasted less than 5 minutes and now im none the wiser… I got the feeling that I may have been wasting their time or at least they felt i was wasting their time. Im assuming ‘cant see anything’ is good and that I have to attend a breast clinic appointment to be told this officially??
Any ideas?