Confused by radiotherapy effects

Can anyone give me some advice on radiotherapy to bone mets. I had my first treatment on Friday to my pelvis and T11. By Saturday evening I was surprised and delighted to find that my pain had gone and I was no longer walking with a limp. It felt so great to be like normal again so I was so sad to find this morning when I got out of bed I was stiff and in pain just like before. I’ve had my second treatment today and a couple of hours later my back was killing me (although the painkillers are starting to have an effect now). They did tell me it would get worse before better but why did I have the pain-free weekend? How long does it take before it gets better? If the radiotherapy is successful, how long does it last? Can you have radiotherapy again if the problem returns?

I would really appreciate hearing your experiences.


Hi Linda…I’ve had 2 lots of rads. The first lot were when I was first diagnosed and had my hip replaced, I had 5 sessions to kill off any stray cells. Then I had just 1 dose of rads a couple of years ago for referred pain from my sacrum. The sacrum radiotherapy left me in pain for a couple of days but then went and I’ve had no further pain. I guess each dose is shaking things up and things do tend to get worse before they get better but it’s a little bit strange/unusual you felt pain free so quickly after the first dose.
My understanding is radiotherapy weakens the bones so there is a limit to how much you can receive in one place. I hope you experience a lasting effect and you are pain free soon. x