

I’m new to this forum and wanted some advice

On Monday I had a wide local excision because the results from my needle biopsy were inconclusive. I find out the results of the WLE on 5th May. I’m just really confused that I’ve had this operation without actually having a diagnosis, Is this unusual?

Hi Marley,

My needle biopsies were inconclusive and was given that news on the day they were taken but also had a core biopsy taken at same time and was told that from the look of my mammogram and ultrasound my lump looked VERY suspicious. Result from core biopsy 48hrs later confirmed that had grade two ductal cancer. Had WLE and SNB in Feb and "lucky " to have clear margins and no spread so having rads and on tamoxifen . Can you have a chat to your breast care nurse about your situation? Fingers crossed for good results.Good luck.

Sandra x