
I recently found a lump in my breast, went to my GP, was fast tracked to the hospital, had a mammogram and scan. After the scan I went back into see the consultant who told me the results were not straight forward. Yes I did have a lump but they were more concerned with my armpit.(I could not feel anything in my armpit no swelling, lump, pain or tenderness). I have since been told I have got to have some lymph nodes removed, no biopsy just an operation. I still dont know about the actual lump in my breast as they just keep saying they are more concerned about whatever the problem is in my armpit. I am waiting to go in for surgery now but would like to know if anyone has experienced anything similar to me and what was the outcome. As you can imagine I am worried mainly because I dont seem to be getting any straight answers.

I would get them to look at the mammo again and double check.This happened to me only they just left the lump under the arm pit saying that it was a mystery and must be fighting infection.6 months later the lump doubled in size and i had multifocal breast cancer,which was on the original ,mammo,they just missed it! These nodes always come up when fighting something,question them,write down your questions on a notebook and ring them.I am sure its nothing to worry about and they are taking them out for a logical reason,I would definately ring them if you have unanswered questions.xx

Hi wills1

If you think it might help to talk this through with one of our trained members of staff on the helpline please don’t hesitate to give them a call on 0808 800 6000. The staff here are all either breast care nurses or people who have personal experience of breast care issues. Here You will be able to share your concerns and gain support and information if required.

The lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Thank you for replying to my post. I was contacted at work today to say I have been booked in for surgery on Wednesday so hopefully all will be revealed! Does this sound like I have cancer? or could it be an infection? When I am feeling rational I think infection, but then when Im having a negative moment I ask myself why would they take out the lymph node just for an infection. Does anybody have any answers?

your welcome.
They may want to take a look at the lymph nodes to take a sample.I think generally they give antibiotics for infection,maybe they just want to make sure.Try not to worry,give them a ring monday morning for some answers.its probably just precautionary.xxxx