Confusing biopsy results

I had an abnormal mammogram in Dec and did an ultrasound as follow up which came back as a Bi-Rads category 5; 95% certainty of malignancy. I had already prepared myself that I had cancer and started researching treatment options etc. Well I got my biopsy results today and it states that there are a number of benign findings going on; fibroadenomatoid change, usual ductal hyperplasia, columnar cell change and adenosis. While I want to take the positive news, it is so out of line with the imaging findings that I feel like I need a second pathology opinion for peace of mind. So I’m curious if anyone else had a benign result come back from category 5 imaging and whether they felt comfortable with that diagnosis or anyone was able to send their biopsy results to a second pathology lab?

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Welcome to the forums @danski

I can understand your confusion at what seems to be a mismatch between the scan and the diagnosis.

I wonder if contacting the nurses on here would help you?

  • Helpline: 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). Speak to our trained helpline team. No questions are too big or too small.
  • Ask Our Nurses: You can message our nurses here on the forum, or confidentially. Whatever you prefer.

They can perhaps advise you on what your next steps should be

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I was just wondering if you got a second opinion? I have very similar results and not sure if I should peruse or consider myself very lucky.

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Hi. I did. I got the pathology repeated and it came back the same. I also had the pathologist and radiologist discuss and they came to the conclusion that the imaging and pathology could be deemed concordant (i.e. that the imaging could be explained by the pathology). I got a referral to a breast surgeon and they gave me two option 1) remove the lump with a surgical excision and repeat the pathology or 2) get a MRI to further characterise the lump. I opted for the latter for now and I have that scheduled for Friday. If it doesn’t look like cancer with the contrast, I will choose to monitor it with regular scans for now. If they had been willing to a hidden scar I might have opted to take it out, but they refused to do it as a biopsy. I have considered getting a second opinion on that depending on what comes back on the MRI. I would definitely get a MRI if you didn’t have one already and get your pathology repeated if you can. Also get the radiologist to confirm that they definitely got the most suspicious part of the lump and definitely got enough sample. Someone has to be in the 5% lucky group though!