I’m adding 2+2 and making 5, but wondered whether anyone else has had the same side effects/consequences. I finished rads last August and found to have mild neutropenia since May this year - at 1.5. Doc asked haematology dept at hospital, they are not concerned until levels fall below 1 as I’ve had chemo (which I haven’t :catmad:). Main point of this ramble is that I had thought my side effects were from the anastrozole, but now wondered if it could be due to the neutropenia. I have constant (well, on and off every few weeks!) vaginal soreness (now got some cream from Doc), also painful thumb and first finger (some gel - Doc said not to get them mixed up :catfrustrated:) and also painful hip, which has just been x-rayed but found to be normal. I wondered whether all these were inflammations of various sorts which could be put down to the neutropenia. Oh don’t I go on, thank you for getting to the end and I’d like to hear from you. :catvery-happy:xxx
As you know Rubycat, lol , I have no neutoropenia experience and don’t know if your symptoms could be caused by it. The thing that concerns me though…is…are they aiming to find out what is causing the neutropenia ? I know there are a wide variety of viruses, conditions/ syndromes, infections and all sorts of medical treatments which can cause neutropenia. Has anyone suggested bloods to find out any possible causes? If you finished RT August a year ago and have had neutropenia since this May ( are my timescales right?) then radiotherapy couldn’t surely still be the cause, OR are you saying you had neutropenia THIS May and finished RT this August, RT couldn’t be the cause anyway. Arthritis can cause neutropenia you know ?!
Well I put neutropenia in the search box and you two wise owls pop up! I may have had a nudge from not Dr but spookily on the button Charys. Anyway, I have looked at Dr Google and Medical app I use for work and symptoms I’m experiencing could be neutropenia. Will talk to my doc tomorrow and suggest they consider it, as it’s gone on now since rads. Hoping it’s not but if it is Ruby have they given you any ideas on what to expect? Like you I had no chemo. Xx