My mum has been dealing with this really awful taste in her mouth after her third chemo session which was about a month ago now, and usually it goes after a week but it’s been really persistent this time. She’s starting to go off of her food because of it and I really don’t want that to happen my mums only small as it is. She says it tastes metallic mostly but sometimes it’s just this really foul taste that she can’t quite explain.
If anyone has any tips on how to shift that taste that would help so so much.
I don’t know whether it’s worth mentioning but my mums been having the FEC chemotherapy
I’m getting the same thing, especially on taxotere, but I had it on FEC too. Sucking chewy sweets like Maoam seems to be one of the best things to help me; although the effect doesn’t last long, it brings momentary relief, and I can still manage to eat them even when most foods make me sick.
Hi - this has been a problem for me since cycle 1 of FEC (now in week 2 of third FEC). My teeth feel like they have no enamel on them, and the inside of my mouth is either slimy and everything tastes bland, or is dry and sore to eat.
A few things I’ve found help - I have cold milk on the go most of the day and that takes the dryness away and seems to be the only thing that quenches the thirst; Sucking on a ‘Soother’ lozenge helps too.
I find that using the Corsodyl mint mouthwash three times a day is easing the mouth discomfort and makes quite a difference. It says it keeps Oral Thrush under control too which apparently can be common in Chemo treatments.
After the bank holiday I am moving to 3 x Docetaxel and am quite apprehensive about this, as from what people have said, it can wipe you out. For me FEC hasn’t been as horrendous as I know it’s been for others.
Hope the above helps xxx