Hi I am new here and have been on tamoxifen for 18 days.
My mouth is always dry as is my skin. I take in lots of water. I have bottles everywhere, car bedroom and any where I go I take a drink. I recentley decided to change my diet too. I had an emergency operation for a hernia 9 days after breast surgery.I have had prolems with my bowels for years (after a hysterectomy). I was informed that I’d had a hernia for many many years and this has caused the bowel problems. So I bought granola and nuts, plus extra fruit. Well yesterday I had the mother of all constipation to the extent that I could not pass anything without having excrutiating pain (I have haemorrhiods too). I even managed to get an enema which helped a little. I did manage to get shut of the blockage, oh had taken lactulose and senna for 2 days too.
To be honest I am quite fed up with feeling like a medical marvel since being diagnosed with breat cancer on 14th Now 2013. So any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I also have major hot flushes, not sweats even though I have gone through the change. I feel constantly peckish even after eating so snack more than I should. I have now banned nuts and granola from my house as this is what I was passing and think it may have caused an anal fissure.
I have bought prune juice and tons of extra fruit, pro-biotic drinks and live yoghurt to repopulate my gut flora. As I said though I have had quite enough and do not want to be to and fro-ing to the GP. I have only just started my radiotherapy so I think I have enough appointments for now.
I started Tam about 3 weeks before radiotherapy. During Rads, althought increasing my fluid intake as instructed I had dry eys, dry mouth, really all dry mucus membranes this included constipation. The Rads team insisted they were not doing anything to cause it and blamed the Tam. After rads finished, everything reverted to normal. So if it was the Tamoxifen it has worn off for me. I don’t know what to advise in the mean time as it seemed to make no difference what I ate. Good luck!
I’ve been on tamoxifen for 3 months now, and have had increasing problems with dry skin and constipation. I am living on a high fibre diet, lots of fluids (3 litres per day min), but still needing fybogel and senna. I have a GP appointment this week and am hoping he will have some advice to help. I have put 1.5 stones on since surgery - I know a lot of this is due to inactivity and comfort eating, but it’s so hard to shift this excess weight and being bunged up is so uncomfortable
Hope you are all feeling a bit more comfortable than I am just now !!
I have major constipation with Tamoxifen and the weight I have put on in a month is unbelievable, I too have cravings even if I’ve had a meal, does anyone have joint pains? Some days I can hardly walk. x
I have been on tamoxifen for nearly 2 years and am experiencing bad constipation. I really do think it’s the tamoxifen as when I have taken a break before ops it helps. I have been taking liquid form lactulose solution that I was first given during chemo. This really helps. I get the flushes and the sleepiness nights and aching body too but I have been quite lethargic mentally since I was diagnosed so trying to move more in hope it helps. I have had a few occasions where I want to through the pills across the room in frustration but my medical team remind me of all the positives. I wondered for a while when I would feel normal again but right now have accepted this is normal, alive and thankful for modern medicine. Hope this might help ‘move things’ for some of you.
I am 69 days on tamoxifen now and still taking laxatives (laxido). I take just one sachet per day, but drink fresh smoothies that I put seeds in (flax, hemp, sunflower and pumpkin). I also take sageleaf. The hot sweats and flushes are still there but not as bad, the moods however are! I am seeing my consultant on Wed 19th March so will ask about all these issues. I have also developed a dry cough too!
I too feel like chucking my tablets but I keep thinking give it time, but 2 years and people are still having issues…oh well will ask on Wed.
If you want to make smoothies for yourself, I bought one of these (at full price).
It is FAB! I use it every day. It even grinds spices!!! It helps you consume your five a day (plus more) in a more enjoyable way. It is also MUCH cheaper than the Nutribullet (retails for £100). There are tons of recipes out there to play with.