God can you believe this i had first chemo and no side effets what so ever maybe little tired but god i look 8 months pregnant wieghed myself and i had put on half stone in 2 days and lost it after lactose must be easier way HELP
drink plenty of water before chemo
trying that too but nothing
Dear Joanne42
I found that trying to eat a little even if I had no appetite helped the constipation. Also avoid codeine if you need painkillers as this doesn’t help.
I hope your remaining cyles of chemo are better but do take time to rest and be kind to yourself.
Best wishes
I hope you are feeling like a laugh.
How about a stick of dynamite up your backside!!
Lily x
Are you taking anti sickness tablets- both them and chemo contain steroids,I put on 2 stone overall -sorry
i only took anti sickness for night of chemo didnt need it as i didnt feel sick had steriods for 3 days 3 times but finished them on friday cant keep taking lactose. Lily believe me today i could have done with that b—dy dynamite. God how did i cope with being this big when i was pregnant if one person asks me when im due ill kill them. Even see my stretch marks coming back lol
Hi Joanne
I was given sennoside tablets but didn’t use them this time, came close a few times! Ask the BCN for something different next time you go.
thanks lily this lactose is sickening like syrup
Do you get that dread of certain tastes so that you nearly gag before you even put it in your mouth? With me it was the steroids, I cannot even think what they tasted of but it was so creamy and sickening. Next time I am going to roll them in jam, because I get worse each time I don’t like a taste. Managed to be sick taking cough medicine the first time, just too fussy. Why can’t meringues be medicine?
Have you tried prune juice - it worked for me but boy the farts that come with it don’t half smell!
Hiya, Ive been okay in this department, however after surgery I was terrified that it had already spread as my stomach was huge - however after 12 days was in agony, now I have movicol on hand, its a power that you majke into a drink, not lovely but works and is much easier on the tum than sennocot!!
I took docusate, they work really well. Got them on prescription not sure if you can get them over the counter.
How many days ago did you have chemo? I never went to the loo until the 5th/6th day and then never stopped til next chemo then same thing happened. Having said that I still put on 2 stone with chemo and steroids !!!
Shredded wheat works wonders for me !!!
Liz xx
Hi all: had first Epi last week, so far so good. Solved the constipation problem - probably too well! - with combination of All Bran (vile) dried cranberries and prunes. Only thing is, I love prunes so instead of having 2/3 eat too many but it sure solves the problem. Also had a couple at lunchtime with the compulsory salad and brown bread. Having given up the booze for a while as it tastes horrible as I am also on antibiotics for throat infection, have lost four pounds since last week. Know this ideal situation will not continue but will make the most of it whilst it does.
Steriods ruined my sleep for 2/3 nights but at least I didn’t have the nausea.
Love to all - keep well