cool cap

I am due to start my first chemo of fec tomorrow and im terrified and wondering what to expect. I have opted to use the cool cap but when I have read the leaflets I dont know which shampoo is the best to use.

Please don’t be terrified; I know easier said than done!

I had FEC last year and really the anticipation was worse than the reality! I spent more time hanging around than actually having treatment! I had a blood test first then when it was OK to proceed, had the drugs put through the vein. You will find the nurses very friendly and it all happened in less than an hour - for me. I was soon home again. I did not have the cold cap but as you have opted for it, you will be at the hospital for longer.

I was very lucky in that I didn’t have many side effects. Mainly tiredness which came on about 3 days after treatment. And some food and wine tasted a bit odd. I just felt fluey but that was it. Carried on as normal but slower. Then about 4 days later, I suddenly felt fine again.

As soon as your first FEC is over, you will feel more relaxed. Believe me. And you can think, one less to have now!

Margaret x

Just wanted to wish you all the best…I am number 4 of 6 FEC… didn’t use the cold cap…hope it works for oyu.

You’re on the home route BabyBoo and it will soon be history!

And I can’t wait…going to pop the cork of sopme champers when it is all over!

Quite! I did. And a posh meal, and a holiday in Budapest, a new bag, etc, etc. Then back for rads but that was soon over too. Now they are both history. I could not be happier - the sun is shining, work is fine, I don’t care that things go wrong in the house (so what - they can be fixed or replaced). Life is for living.

Hi Baileys - I had 3 cycles of FEC and 2 of Taxotere. I used the cold cap throughout and kept about half my hair - it thinned rather than falling out in clumps. I used good quality mild shampoo throughout, including my rads. It’s SO worth it if it works for you as I didn’t need a wig at any time. My hair is now all growing back - very thick and dark (although the nurse had said it most likely to be grey - so hurray and I’ve just cut the long lengths so that the new hairs don’t look too funny coming through. Everyone comments on how good my hair looks - I’ve only just finished rads 10 days ago.Go for it, don’t be too frightened and good luck.

hi baileys
i’ve had had my first FEC and am going for my second this friday. i didn’t suffer too badly, although i did have the horrible taste in the mouth and felt tired. as others have said try not to be too frightened, there are very good drugs for the sickness and there is lots of good advice on this site. i am doing the cold cap thing and so far, so good. although its not clear what will happen in the suture as hair loss is far more common on the second or later cycles. i’m using my normal shampoo which is for coloured and damaged hair and claims to be gentle. one thing i have had heard is that cold cap treatment is maximised if you don’t wash your hair for a day or two afterwards. i think i’ll try that this time.
good luck and keep in touch.

Hi Baileys
I used the cold cap throughout my Epi chemo and still have about half my hair left. As cmitchrd said, my hair thinned out each day with combing but did not come out in clumps. I was also advised to not wash my hair 48 hours before treatment, drench my hair in a mild conditioner before putting on the cold cap as this helps to freeze the hair follicles better and then don’t wash until 48 hours after. Hope this helps.



I have had 3x FEC with cold cap and so far only minimal hair loss. If I brush my hair straight you can see a very small bald patch on top, but I am the only one who can notice this, most of the time I wear my hair up and no-one would know. I am so pleased I tried it, I feel very lucky it worked and I have one less trauma to go through.
Hope you get on OK.
Keep us posted

just to let you know I had my first fec today and it wasnt half as bad as i expected. At the moment I feel fine and now look at it 1 down five to go. I also had the cold cap so just keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck to everyone.

Hi baileys

Well done!!! one down!!!

Best wishes


I also used the cold cap, my hair hung on for 7 weeks then I had to buzz it off it was literally hanging on by a thread, the cold cap was ok but then I got a phobia about going in the freezer! i think it’s because my freezer sounded like the cold cap, giving me nightmares, but happy to say 1 yr on a hair to be proud of and iv’e had it cut 4 times since feb this year.

Hi Baileys

Well done on getting through your first chemo, glad to hear it went ok and not as bad as you thought. I have had 2 so far, 3rd one next week. I hope you have no side effects to speak off and wish you well for the rest of the week and your next session.

Lorrie well done on your hair and getting through your treatment, must be a fab feeling, and having it cut so often, must grow quick. Can’t wait for mine to come back, although a long way to go for me.

Take care

Think positive all times, there may be days when your’e feeling down, but you can do it, get thru each day and your’e one step closer to finishing and aim for your goal. When I was diagnosed my whole world fell in but I found the inner strengh to carry on, ok I had support from family and friends and I know some people don’t but you can all get thru this, I was told this at the begining and this kept me going, your’e hair is important part of your identity, i wish every single person who is going thru this all the best and don’t forget there is light at the end.

Good luck

Hi Baileys

I used the cold cap last year for 4xFEC and 4xTaxotere, it worked wonders on the FEC, I was still blow drying and even tonged it on a couple of occassion, I used simple shampoo and conditioner and bought a good wide toothed comb for my hair, when it did start to thin I would just give it a gentle comb over the bath each morning to catch any stragglers and then would leave it alone for the rest of the day until the tender scalp days wore off, also found because I wasn’t using any products it didn’t need washing so much.

Welldone for coming on line chemo night, I used to have to go straight to bed and stay there for around 4 days each cycle of FEC as I was quite spaced out by it all.

Debbie X

Debsy - you say it worked wonders on FEC, what happened with Tax? I have just had FEC and due to start TAX next week…

Hi Ali

The taxotere wasn’t so kind, my hair thinned quite a bit and I had to start wearing it in a ponytail to disguise the full extent after the 2nd session, stuck with it though as only had 2/8 left, never had to wear a hat, scarf or wig so it still worked and my kids school friends never noticed ot made any comments but I was quite shocked with the difference. I also had infected hair follicles on 3 of the tax which probably didn’t help.

Good luck


Hi Baileys,
I have just finished round 4 of chemo and I used the cool cap each time. Must admit - yesterday was the hardest as my hair has thinned dramatically and therefore it was quite painful. the nurse said if it wasn’t my last batch she wouldn’t have let me wear it. Just use gauze if that happens. I have kept a lot of hair so I think it was worth it - it wasn’t a painful experience just unpleasant. I know a lot of ladies don’t bother as it is just something else to cope with. I think it was a control thing with me.
Good luck and let me know if you stick with it,
sending lol, Tracy