Coping with low mood with steroids

I have secondary BC in my liver, lungs and stomach Lining. I’m am on eribulin and have a steroid injection with the IV chemo followed by 3 days of steroids afterwards. I haven’t found the chemo too bad, I’ve been on it since March, although in the last few weeks have had quite a bit of nausea which I didn’t have before. My main problem is I seem to have an extremely low mood after I finish taking the steroids. It’s a real rollercoaster. I get really down and very tearful. I just wondered if anyone else was the same and how they managed the moods. I nearly need an ark with all the tears I shed.


Dear jules

So sorry, to read your feeling so low at the moment, understandable after what you have been through. Medication upsets the system so much. Let’s hope that when it’s completely out of your system you’ll start to feel a bit better,

Try to keep busy, maybe call that special friend for a meet up and a chat I know this is all easier said than done when you’re not feeling up to it, but I find that this sometimes helps. Take one day at a time you will get there, you have been through so much be kind to yourself don’t worry about the crying it’s always a good relief.

Wishing you lots of health and happiness going forward.

With the biggest hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:

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Hi Jules. I too have secondary breast cancer in my iliac bone. I too remember having really bad highs with steroids and then when they wore off terrible low moods. I discussed this with my oncologist at the time and they reduced the dose of the steroids so that the effects werent as bad. I don’t know whether this would be an option for you as you are on a different drug to what I was on. But its always worth asking. I find listening to music helps especially when I’m on my own, or getting engrossed in a good film or book. Also as the Community chapion says get together with a friend or relative and treat yourself even if its only in a coffee shop. I’m over 12 months past chemo now but still distinctly remember those times. Live for each day and tell yourself you’re going to find something in each day to enjoy however small. Good luck.

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Hi @Jules1064

Sorry to hear what you are going through. Its very tough going. Mindfulness can be really helpful, theres a Secret Smile Meditation by Ari Witten from The Energy Blueprint that makes me feel fabulous.
Also I bought a Ladycare Magnet for my low mood which I wear permanently and is fantastic.
Hope you start to feel better soon xxx

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