looking for advice - I’m post lumpectomy and senitel node biopsy from 6 months ago. I’ve had issues with cording on and off since the surgery despite doing the exercises everyday twice a day!
I could cope with most of it and resumed all my activities and sport despite tiredness from tamoxifen etc. but of the blue - despite the exercises, playing regular tennis and swimming etc - out of the blue I’ve developed painful cording from my armpit to elbow and can no longer stretch it without pain or discomfort.
I will try and get an appointment with physio and am massaging it daily but this is really limiting me and 6 months on I wasn’t expecting this kind of dialling symptoms, on top of the tamoxifen side effects.
it’s really getting me down - I’m active and I dont want this to stop me doing anything yet it’s limiting me and yes it’s painful unlike the previous cording …
and people dont get it how this can suddenly develop when you look well etc
I’m just feeling angry - even though it’s removed, been through Radiotherapy , started the tamoxifen … this new symptom shows it just never goes away … there’s always something
so please does anyone have any advice on
- how to manage new and painful limiting cording? does it go away? how (most important)
- how to deal with the constancy of new symptoms and side effects all the time?
- how to deal with the anger, resentment that this just never goes away?
sorry for the offload.