Hi All,
Looking for some advice or similar experiences.
Since surgery 10 days ago I have what I can best describe as lumps within my breast, which match where I have most bruising post lumpectomy. They are tender rather than painful. Is this what is meant by cording or is this just part of the natural healing process ie internal bruising?
Im due to see my surgeon later this week but curious if I should ask any specific questions about this. I have full arm, shoulder mobility, I didn’t seem to suffer any limitation of movement post surgery.
Thanks for any advice or insights in advance.
The very best of health to all.
Hi @strollingby, I hope you have been doing well today, and that you’re finding the forum helpful.
In case no other forum users have the same experience, you may wish to speak to our team of breast care nurses on freephone 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm).
You can find more info here: We’re here for you | Breast Cancer Now
Best wishes
Hi @strollingby
It’s easy to worry about lumpiness - considering the surgery was to remove a lump it’s only natural . No reason why you shouldn’t ask your Surgeon about it - I asked my BCN when I was a couple of weeks further on than you and she said that at that point it was normal. Everyone who has talked about cording including my two friends who got it ( I escaped) have said it was painful rather than tender . It’s usually axilla to breast or in the upper arm though it can happen in the breast itself . There are pictures and videos on YouTube as cording has a particular appearance and it doesn’t sound as though you have it. It’s always good to be vigilant and to report changes you should write down the questions you have in a notebook and take it with you to your appointment . Hope this helps. Xx
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