Has anyone had a recurrence of cording a long time after surgery? I had my surgery in May '07 (lumpectomy and removal of 18 lymph nodes), conscientiously did all the exercises and thankfully have had no signs of lymphodema. The cording reduced over a period of months, and has been fine for probably the best part of a year. However, in the past week i.e. 20 months post-surgery, I’ve been feeling that same pain in the forearm, going from the wrist to elbow, when I stretch out for something. There’s no discomfort in the upper arm, but then most of that’s numb anyway! I am fairly careful about not lifting heavy things, but like everyone, sometimes you forget!
Im not sure what cording feels like, but since Christmas I have had sharp stabbing pains in my upper arms and find them hard to move - like when you put a coat on or reaching for something nearby, and at night when I move my arms it wakes me up, also started in lower arms now, and hurts when I press inside of lower arms. I asked my BC nurse and she said it was probably the nerves that had been cut through when I had my operation. Does anyone know if thats right, my surgery was end of July?
I have had cording treated by physio x2 Am just under 2 years post diagnosis. I was changing the way i reached up to cupboards (standing on tip toe or using other arm). The first cording was obvious when i stretched up, 2nd time not so, but pain was present.
Good luck, pls do check it out x x
My cording appearsed just 3 weeks after surgery and 9 months later, it is pretty much gone as I was referred to an excellent physio that had just had been on a course specifically for this problem. She does a kind of massage from the wrist, up my arm and into the side of my breast. I have two final treatments to go, I am so grateful for the early referral and the treatment.
I finished my radiotherapy in June 2013 and have now got my 3rd case of cording. Always in the same area around my ribs under the left breast where I had a lumpectomy. It starts off feeling very badly bruised for a couple of weeks then I can feel the cording through my skin. I massage it and it eventually disappears. It’s a frustration that reminds me that things are still going on that I have no control over.