Core biopsy repeat

Hi everybody!

I am relatively new to this site - have been reading loads of topics and forums. It has been helpful so far and am trying to keep a level head on what I am currently going through.

Anyway, a breif background on my case so far. Am 33 years of age and have (one fine day) noticed a droplet (or two) of colourless discharge from my right nipple (I don’t think it is spontaneous but occurs, most of the time, after mild prodding). Following that, I have gone obsessive-compulsive on it and have been observing my nipple since (maybe it is me, but I think it looks a little bumpier that usual, no itches, rashes, eczema, just bumpier/slighty mis-shapen). In any case, I was referred to a breast clinic and have gone through the usual prodding and scanning - they did a smear slide of my discharge and the result of that was normal (which is a relief in a way). The experts there think that I might have a ductal papilloma (a tiny one), based on the ultrasound scan and have sent me for a core biopsy. The biopsy was done a week or so before Christmas (boy was that stressful) and I had to wait until the New Year for the results, which I have got yesterday. Unfortunately I was unable to breathe a sigh of complete relief and am utterly confused about the results (whether one can call it results at all) - the specialist there told me that the cells were normal, however I have to go for a repeat ultrasound guided core biopsy, now scheduled for the following week. SIGH! Am totally stressed out and am unsure how to judge this new development. The bruises from the previous core is still there and am still recovering from the trauma and am not entirely optimistic about round 2. I guess I am here for some reassurance but most of the outcomes/cases that I have seen here has made me less optimistic and more neurotic.

Has anyone out there gone through multiple cores and have a positive end to the journey? Am I freaking out for no good reason at all? Any reassurance, experiences, help will be appreciated :slight_smile:

Dear endosymbiosis

I am glad you have found the forum helpful so far. I am sorry you are still facing uncertainty.

You may find it helpful to give our Helpline a call to talk things over. They’ll be able to offer lots of information and support. The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000

Take care

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Thanks Janet. Will be keeping my fingers crossed and holding my breath till then. Am definitely not looking forward to the experience again. In fact, am still recovering from the bruises from round 1 (eeks).

Responding to this so that it doesn’t disappear onto page 2, in case anyone has had 2 core biopsies and come back clear - ('cos I know that’s what you want to hear!)

It may be that because the first biopsy didn’t show ANY abnormal tissue, not even the papilloma (benign!) that they expected to find. They may be worried that they took the sample from the wrong place and want to use US to be certain. It is very stressful for you, but at least you know they are being thorough and not just dismissing you. If there IS anything there, they’ll find it and get you started on dealing with it ASAP. That’s got to be better than having to badger them, or finding months/years down the line that they missed something and it’s spread?

It is also very likely that there ISN’T anything sinister. Whatever it is, it is small and you’re getting it sorted. Hold onto that thought in this worrying time. The waiting is always the worst part. Ladies on here who’ve been to hell and back, all say that the waiting for results is the worst bit!

Let us know how you get on. I’ve got everything crossed for you. xx