Hi I’m new to this and was just wondering if someone could tell me how long it usually takes to get the results from a core biopsy? Please. I’m going out of my mind one minute I’m thinking no news is good news then the next I’m thinking maybe they’ve found something and that’s why it’s taking so long
it probably varies a bit particularly if you need to wait for an appointment, but I think usually they need a week to do the tests, However sometimes it takes longer.
edit: how long have you been waiting and did they not give you any indication at the time?
Hello Wiggles,
I had a core biopsy (part of the the triple testing) at the NHS breast clinic on a Monday and got the results Thursday of the same week when I saw my breast surgeon. The NHS breast cancer service where I live was excellent. It may vary across the country (postcode lottery issue).
When did you have your biopsy? It does take time undertaking the pathology investigations and also depends how busy the pathology laboratory is.
I know it is very difficult waiting and it seems an eternity. Just try to occupy yourself with something you like to do. It can be impossible to stop your mind from going into overdrive but everyone feels the same way at the start. It is fear of the unknown. Once you have the results and know what you are dealing with you will feel more in control of the situation. Whatever the outcome you will find lots of support on this Forum.
Wishing you good luck.
M x