I’m 51 had my first mammogram a couple of weeks before Christmas and then received the letter calling me in for secondary screening. Had a second mammogram followed by an ultrasound and a core biopsy of an area described as unusual. I have no palpable lump.
i now have a wait of a week for my results. At the moment only my husband and best friend know of this and both seem to hold the view that it’ll all be fine, but I’m scared and want to share with other women who have been through this. I have never used a forum before!
Bumping to hopefully get more helpful replies…
We’re a helpful lot on here so hopefully wont be long…
All the best for a good result xxx
Hi Cazzy. I too am 51, no breast lump but following a routine mammogram, 2stereotactic core biopsies i was diagnosed with multi site DCIS which is an early stage of breast cancer, non invasive. The waiting for results is tough, but most routine call backs do turn out to be false alarms and need no further treatment. Try to stay positive, I know that is easier said than done, and avoid googling! There are a lot of scary websites out there that are either old or contain inaccurate information. There are lots of lovely ladies on this forum who will help you through the waiting and give you lots of advice. I am due to have a mastectomy and LD flap reconstruction on Friday, unfortunately at the moment my blood pressure has gone sky high …I wonder why? So I am on some quick working beta blockers and signed off sick! Let me knowhow you get on and my fingers will be crossed praying for good resulTs for you… Big cyber hug winging it’s way to you. Xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Cazzy,
I ummed and ahed about whether to post… don’t want you thinking the worst, when it may be a false alarm! But then I remember how I felt… and for me… I wanted to know. Some ladies don’t and that’s fine… but waiting is definitely the WORST part and as Cheryl says… please don’t google, honestly just stick to this site and/or MacMillan.
If you’re sore from the biopsy then do take pain relief… I found some bras aggravated the pain… so have had to invest in some non-wire varieties! Like you, I didn’t tell many people… however, it was difficult remembering to make sure I was decently covered when my daughter barged in (but I managed it!!). Anyway… here’s my storyboard!
I’m 51 too (ooh three of us in a row!! and just like Cheryl17 I had no breast lump, was recalled with further mammograms, ultrasound and 2 biopsies. There the similarities end… I have Grade 3 IDC which they reckon is about 15mm in size and am due to have removed along with Sentinel node biopsy (WLE/SNB) on Wednesday and treatment is currently radiotherapy and tamoxifen (am perimenopausal!). At the moment I’m trying hard to avoid picking up the horrid colds that hubby and daughter have - want to get on and get this sorted so I can get on with my life!
I hope my posting hasn’t scared you - it isn’t meant to … you asked … I’ve said… In the end we are a bunch of ladies (and some men I believe) from all walks of life… who have something in common… and all at various stages. All have been where you’re currently at. The roller coaster ride of emotions is not nice… and I feel for you.
There are lots of lovely ladies on here and you will get all the support you want. No question is a silly question so post any questions you have… any thoughts etc. Good luck for results day… what day is it? - just so we can all send you positive thoughts and hugs. Please don’t forget to let us know how you get on…
Take care - big hugs to you! xxx
Cheryl - Good luck for Friday sweetheart! fingers crossed it all goes well and you heal nicely… big strong hugs for you now (and gentle ones for after your op!) xxx
Lozza xxx
Hi Cazzy.
The waiting time is the worst bit - it’s natural to expect the worst scenario - or at least imagine it. I know waiting times are influenced by things like how often centres run multidisciplinary meetings and that date’s proximity to your biopsy date and the outpatient clinic. I know in my case this meant an almost 3 weeks wait from biopsy to OPD with the consultant for results. It helped me that I knew there were others here all in the same boat also awaiting results. All that cohort of people are now undergoing treatment or about to, or have had their results and nothing needed doing.
I told nobody initially then just one or two once i was more comfortable with evolving events. I felt quite exposed and vulnerable having a diagnosis and needed to take ownership of it before I was happy to share it. I now have had to let people know but have chosen who I told. You’ll find you tell who you want/need to.
I’m waiting again now for the clear margin after surgery report (with a bit of luck) - which I get next week. It’s not as bad as that initial waiting though so I have every sympathy with you. I hope the days pass quickly for you.
think it posted twice
Lozza, Thank you and good luck for Wednesday, i will be thinking of you and praying for good results for you.
Hi Cazzy and Cheryl I am also 51 well nearly 52 1<sup>st</sup> feb,I had never joined a forum before BC I joined this site 9 days after surgery it took me having surgery for every thing to sink in, it all happed so fast from diagnoses to surgary.6 weeks I felt that I had no time to think I had routine mammogram on the 24 October and by 15th November I was diagnosed with IDC.on the 7<sup>th</sup> December I hade WLE, SNB, and therapeutic mammoplasty (breast reduction) on my right breast. I was Er and Pr+ and taking Anastrozole. My HER2 was equivocal so was sent for more tests thankfully came back negative and I am now waiting to start Rads. Due to a blood condition (clouting disorder) it was suggested that I wait to have my good breast reduced to avoid complications. I found waiting for results is the worst part of the whole process. BUT I must stress a lot of lades got good news what ever the out come you will get through this You have come to the right place the lades on this site will give you so much information ,support and encouragement they are an inspiration good luck big hugs .Ann.G
Lozza how you doing , have been thinking about you sending you lots of love and hugs good luck for tomorrow AnnG
Cheryl sorry to hear about your blood pressure hope all go’s well for Friday Big Hug AnnG
Thanks AnnG, all the best For your rads. Coincidentally I will be 52 on the 01st February, how life has changed since My last birthday, here’s to 53 and having it all behind us.
Hi Cazza, good luck with your results, the waiting for results is pants. I only had to wait 3 days for the biopsy results, surgery 10 days later but waiting for the full pathology results was nearly 2 weeks and was truly horrific. I was 44 on diagnosis and was told more or less from the outset that chemo would be on the cards regardless of the results, this actually helped me enormously and took away all of the what ifs. My results came in as a 19mm grade 2 idc strongly er+ and pr+, in the grand scheme of things that was a good result. I told the world and his wife about my lump, just felt like a problem shared was a problem halved and all that but with hindsight wasn’t the best thing I could have done. Once your results are in and you have a treatment plan the relief will be enormous and you’ll feel like you have a level of control back x
Hi everyone, I’m totally overwhelmed at what brave, kind women you all are. My biopsy results will be back on 14th Jan. so not too long to wait, and your comments and hugs and your inspirational outlook are helping me to think positively whatever the outcome. Hugs and love to you all, Cazzy xxxx.
Hi Cazzy,
It’s as everyone has said - it’s the waiting that is by far the worst. Once you have a diagnosis you can come to terms with it. However, I cannot join the 51 club - I am 42 and thought I had a cyst as the lump came up after pulling a muscle. But, all lumps are checked out by mammogram and it’s been a roller coaster from there. I was diagnosed with grade 3 IDC.
From the mammogram I was told I probably had cancer I then had to wait 4 days until I saw a consultant (which is quick in real terms, but the longest 4 days I have ever waited). That was the worst waiting I have ever had to deal with - both me and my husbnad were wrecks. We did everything to keep busy and mainly got out the house as often as possible. We knew I probably had cancer and that was all they talked about at the mammogram - but it was still a difficult time. Our imaginations ran away with us and it was really difficult to be positive. We only told one friend - we wouldn’t have done this, but I was meant to be meeting a group of university friends in London and I didn’t want this person to think I had pulled out. I aksed her to tell them I was ill.
Once diagnosed I told a few friends a day and asked them not to phone me until I was feeling up to it. They emailed back or texted straight away and waited for me to contact them. The slow drip feeding information was great as I wasn’t inudated with emails from everyone all at once and I could deal with my friends and family slowly and at my own pace. I took me just over a week to tell everyone.
I know have a round robin email sorted out and I let people know on mass what is happening. This saves me giving the information out over and over again. Saving me time and emotion. I tell family by phone first, but they are on the round robin too - then they know exactly when and what my friends have been told in case the bump into them.
Hopefully you will be able to tell them that you had a close shave and there’s nothing to worry about - I will keep my fingers crossed for this results for you. However, if not - it’s not the end of the world and there are a lot of lovely and brave women on here to help. I have only been on this site a week and already feel much supported.
Good luck for you results
PS - sorry I seem to have written an essay!!
Thank you, can’t quite believe how nice and supportive everyone is, it is very much appreciated.
I was in the 51 club when diagnosed (3rd Feb 2012) too! Yet another one of us recalled from a routine mammogram (my 2nd - Had my first at 48)
Mine was a 28mm grade 3 lump removed in WLE/SNB (told at core biopsy result that it was 11mm!) Margins clear, sentinal node clear. Chemo suggested but declined (I was borderline as to whether it would be of benefit - so given the decision to make myself! :(). Rads for 3 weeks during which I had 52nd birthday, in April. I’m now taking Tamoxifen and Zoladex (hormone therapies) and back at work. It’s been a scary year, and I’m glad to see the back of 2012, especially as OH broke his leg, badly, on Feb 9th and needed hospilization and an operation to pin the bones!
I told colleagues and family that I had the recall - it made it so much easier to tell them when the results were not what I’d hoped, as I didn’t have to explain all of it when all I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and cry and swear! However, I didn’t tell my son until I KNEW it was cancer, because he is a worrier and his best friend/boss’s wife was being treated for BC at the time - I didn’t want him fretting unecessarily if it turned out to be nothing!
Let us know your results so we can support you through treatment or celebrate your good news! xx
Hi cazzy my name is kaz i’m 39, I am also new to this and i’m awaiting my results should get them wed . I wish you all the best for mon lets hope we both have some good news xx
Hi Cazzy 6 years ago I had a mammogram and a week later I was called back. I had gone because I could feel what I thought was a lump on my left breast. I got a letter a week later with an appointment for the following week. Turns out the lump on my left breast was nothing to worry about but but they wanted to check some calcification on my right breast. I had an ultra sound and after waiting for about an hour they said it was nothing to worry about and they would see me next year
Fast fwd to November just gone and I found another lump. This time is was cancer and I am now recovering from 2 different surgeries.
On both occasions the waiting for results was the worst. Your mind goes in to over time and you imagine all sorts. I’m not going to tell you not to worry because you will but what ever the outcome of your biopsy we will all be here for you because we have all been where you are right now.
Thinking of you
Funki X
I had to wait two days for results and I thought I was going to go flipping crazy. Even though the actual diagnosis wasn’t great (Invasive with DCIS), I felt a surge of strength and thought “Now, atleast I know, and I am gonna deal with this damn thing”. The worst part was telling the children, but they have all come up trumps. First chemo session this Thursday - wish me luck!
All the very best, to all of you wonderful people on this site.
Joyce x
Hi although this sounds wrong, it is so good to hear from people in my situation. I wish with all my heart you were not all here but as you are we can all be ladies in waiting together!
I had ANC last wednesday and am waiting for results. I know I have to have chemo because SNB was 2/2. Have just had a call to return to clinic for another ultrasound on my good side. More waiting.
Lozzy, how are you doing? Kazzy14, thinking about your results today. Hope it’s good news. Same for you CAzzy. Keep in touch. Hugs M x