Hi ladies,
I am now ready to get my first bra, having had bi-lateral surgery. Could some-one with experience advise me please, I need to know how to measure myself correctly first of all.
I have loads of books and mail order magazines etc, I was just wondering whether anyone could advise me using their own personal experience, what to look for and what to steer clear of.
Many thanks Liz x
Ask your breast nurse which local shops have bra fitters specially trained to fit you after surgery - I go a local shop where all the fitters are trained, and they are excellent and very understanding. Don’t feel embarrassed, they are like the clinic staff - they’ve seen it all before!!!
Lake District - Shirley C, in Wndermere.
perhaps other ladies could also recommend shops …
I found John Lewis bra fitters really helpful at all stages after surgery - when I needed soft support immediately after, then firmer support and better shaping later on. Each store has a fitter trained to help us BC ladies - and here’s a link to their videos on how to fit a bra: johnlewis.com/Magazine/Feature.aspx?Id=514. And no, I don’t work for them or have any connection with John Lewis!
I failed to do this… but reckon it would be a good idea to order more styles than you want and a variety of sizes (particularly if you think you are midway between sizes) so that you can compare them in reality… I wondered if I had the best fit at times but didn’t want to send a bra back only to find the next size was actually worse. So as long as your credit card can take the original hit and you use a reputable company where you will get your money back, this is a good way of shopping online and getting to try stuff on.
Tells you how to measure on most sites or catalogues…
You didn’t say what your surgery was (WLE? Mx? lymph nodes etc) so that will make a difference to what bras might be good or bad for you.
My latest investment is a Sloggi - looks like a flat chested crop top when not on, but seems good for my current situation (one recon & one softie)
Thanks so much for the advice,
I had bi-lateral surgery, so will need to get a double pocketed bra.
At the moment I am wearing a post operative bra with softees, I suppose I can go as big as I like:)…
I am going to the hospital in May for a prosthesis fitting I will order a bra mail order to take with me I will measure my circumference under where my breasts should be and then decide my cup size from there I think???
My post operative bra and softees/comfees are doing the job for me, but I guess when I getthe prosthesis I will notice quite a difference.
i have mx on one side. i went to nicola jane shop as i have one which is about 40 minute drive away and thought it was worth visiting. was measured and was able to try on various bras and they even let me try a prosthesis in the pocket to get a proper idea.
if you google them they have a help line number to give advice about how to measure yourself correctly etc.
TTM xxx
I bought a couple of Royce bras from John Lewis, as suggested by their fitter, then bought several more direct from the Royce website since the range is much better there. Their Caress range is specifically designed for post-surgery. (see royce-lingerie.co.uk/our-range?range=Caress)
I recently had a 2nd mx to balance me up and am pleased with the results. The surgery was at my request as I had orig mx 4 yrs ago and felt increasingly uneven. Eventually, I ordered some post-surgery bras from M&S in a really nice modal fabric about 6 weeks before my latest surgery. They were fine with one good boob and one prosthesis and fitted under my clothes.
I had the idea that once this latest mx was done, I could wear the same bras but with matching prosthesis, this avoiding buying a whole new wardrobe of clothes (can’t believe I said this!!). Went to get a small seroma drained by bcn last week and even though it’s really too early for prosthesis, she sorted me out with a pair and a pair of softees. BCN said how nice the M&S bras were, by the way, and how they didn’t really think of sending people there to have a look. I came away a very happy bunny and have a variety of options as to how I look now.
From what you say, it sounds like you are thinking along similar lines and it has worked well for me. Much better than when I’d only had one side mx. Why not order a few bras to take with you to give them an idea of what size you want to look?? M&S will let you order loads (if your credit card will stand it!) and send back what you don’t want and delivery is v quick. Have a peak on their website.
PS You get free delivery and VAT knocked off the prices shown on M&S website. The ones I ordered also had a fiver knocked off if you spent 30 quid or more.