Coughs, colds & germs

Hello wise Breast Cancer Now Forum folk! I’m just looking for some reassurance in what is a testing time! Was due to start chemo 3rd September but got very ill with chest infection so it was postponed to following week (this week). This weeks session was stopped due to an allergic reaction so I’m now on a 2 x week delay properly starting next week & noticed my 3YO is getting snotty now (& my husband is starting to get it too). My Onc has said how careful I need to be & if my LO is ill not to go near her but how can I do that in practice?! I am trying but I can’t be the only toddler mum to go through this? I’m so worried to be starting chemo as we go into coughs and cold season with a small child who is in nursery but I don’t know what I can do?! Just looking for some reassurance really from anyone with small children that it will be okay :woozy_face:

I worked in a primary school throughout treatment & caught very little. I was lucky.
I was advised to wash hands regularly & hand sanitiser was my friend!
Good luck

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I dont have toddlers but I do have 2 teenage boys. The older one goes to the gym and to parties. The younger one spends all his time at climbing walls. All these places seem to be a hotbed of germs.
I masked up when they were ill (so did they when they were nearby e.g. in the car although I appreciate not practical with a toddler) and persuaded them/my husband to wash hands a lot, not touch my plate/glass, etc. I also had alcohol wipes and wiped everything they touched that i was likely to come into contact with. We’ve never been so hygienic!
Good luck with it all.

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Thanks so much @norts and @Luskentyre1 - sounds like you both did really well! I feel like between the pair of them (husband & child) I have no chance but have just ordered some extra super filtration masks & will give this a shot! :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: