I am 35 yrs old with 1 daughter and am scared to death, I found a lump and had test just before my 18th birthday, thankfully it was not cancer.
I now have several more lumps both in my left breast and in my neck area on my collar bone. They ache continuously and the doctor just felt it and said she would refer me to specialist.
When i went he just said it was because my boobs are big. Should i insist on a mammogram or further tests. Could this be cancer?
Amy, it is good that your gp has referred you and I hope you get seen quickly to reassure you. Your specialist will be able to decide what tests you need but if you are not satisfied you can always ask for more. Remember most lumps and bumps turn out to be benign but only a doctor can tell you whether you have cancer. Good luck with your referral and I hope you get an early app. Dx
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Hi Amy,was it your GP or the specialist who said it was because your boobs were big?.If it was the specialist then I would ask to see another breast specialist and insist on further checks like mammograme or scan.This should be done as a matter of routine with any breast lumps.
Hi again
Sorry just reread. I misunderstood. I would suggest you ask for another referral if you are unhappy with what the specialist said and ask for a mammogram also as a younger woman you might want an ultrasound. Dx
I can only echo what the others have said, and I would be very unhappy in your position. Whilst I can understand large breasts causing back pain, I can see no reason why lumps and pain in the collar bone area would be associated with large breasts - seems very bizarre. I would go back to your GP asap and be VERY FIRM! Good luck - please let us know how you get on.