Hi, I havn’t been on line for a while have been doing well, diagnosed oct 05, been back at fulltime work doing well, had WLE, Rads, Tamoxifen and now Armidex, have recently found lump on original breast but it’s like a long thin line? also one above scar and one on lymph node removal at end of the scar, this one is really painful and round, called BC Nurse today and she say she will speak to Consultant, really worried but keep telling myself that the long thin one at least cannot be recurrance could it, would it not be round? any advise would be much appreciated as I am terrified it could be back, sorry for moaning but coped well first time round and just keep hoping it isn’t cos feel I will fall apart. Also just be diagnosed with irregular heartbeat and getting kidney infections every month??
Thankyou in advance
Rowlaine X