Could they have left a lump behind??!


I went for my pathology results today after having a bilateral mastectomy with implants and sentinel node biopsy 2 weeks ago.

It was good news in the fact that 1 node did contain micro amount of cancer that they don’t even really count it, overall I have been told it’s stage 1…so obviously very happy.

I was a little confused though as my initial disgnosis was due to me having 3 areas/lumps that were biopsied under ultrasound, all 3 contained grade 1 cancer. When I had an MRI it showed 8 lesions in my left breast. Have been told that when they tested the tissue, they could only find one mass at 20mm.

The consultant said the team had discussed this and are unsure why there would only be 1 mass, it could be possible that 2 of the lumps were actually joined as they are right next to each other, but the other lump is on the other side of the breast near the breast bone.

Now the odd thing is, I said to my husband a couple of days ago that I could still feel a prominent lump where the original one was (the one that caused me to see the gp initially). I have a horrible feeling they have not taken it out and missed it. It is literally in the exact same spot and is not swelling, it is a clear lump.

So obviously I am mulling this over in my head and worrying they have left a cancer behind. I will be calling the clinic tomorrow and may ask to have an ultrasound just to check. But could this happen, that it could have been missed??!!

Paula xx

Just an update, have contacted the consultant and have asked for an ultrasound…fingers crossed she lets me have one otherwise it will play on my mind!

Hi Paula,

Sorry you have this worry but I would honestly trust the surgeons. They test any tissue they remove and if there aren’t clear margins they will do further surgery. Given that you have had a double mx I think you can be reassured they have got all of the ‘b*gger’.

Good luck,

hi jbug,
i have had 3 US since my surgery in may due to lumps in my affected breast - they all turned out to be seromas. You expect a seroma to be squishy as it is a fluid filled pocket but mine felt like solid masses. I have found them to be marvelous at my hospital though - they take your concerns very seriously and rushed referrals through to the breast clinic within 2 weeks, hopefully yours will too.
best of luck


Thanks for your replies. I must admit that I wouldn’t give it a 2nd thought, but it all made me think about it as the surgeon said that “the team” were confused as to why only 1 mass was found, when I has 3 lumps biopsied and 8 lesions showed on the MRI. So they are confused and in my head I have still got a lump in the exact same place…hopefully it will all be solved very soon and I can just get on with treatment.

Paula x