
Hi All

A serious point - but with a laugh at the end…

I’m still mid-treatment (MX + recon, just had 5 out of 6 chemo, rads to come and tamoxifen), but many of the posts I’ve read in various threads have made me realise that finishing treatment is often only the start of another battle to come to terms and deal with what’s happened and continues to affect us.

ChoccieMuffinn has posted a link to a very good article by Dr Peter Harvey about the subject - hope she won’t mind me repeating it…

I have no idea yet how I’ll react, or what support I’ll need, but it appears to be another postcode lottery as to whether it is recognised that BC messes with your head as well as your body and whether on-going counselling is offered and what type.

I’ve a neice that’s doing a PHD in psychology and a best friend who who had a career change in her late 30s, trained as a life coach, went on to psychotherapy and is now also a trained CBT practitioner. I’ve had a bit of counselling myself in the past to help me get over a particular situation (and don’t discount ADs - they helped too), so I’m very aware that there is more than one type of help out there and that it isn’t a one size fits all situation.

My point? If you think you are struggling - stamp your feet until you get help. If the first type/person you get sent to doesn’t connect, try something else.

Do choose your counsellor with care - not everyones methods will suit you. Having viewed the following, and fallen off our chairs laughing, a new catch phrase has caught on in my family - I’m sure you’ll guess what it is.

Hope it raises a smile. Hugs to anyone who needs them

Speaking as someone who has recently been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder as a direct result of part of her treatment, I can only concur with everything that DJ007 has said. I am struggling to find the right sort of counsellor to help me deal with this but at least both my GP and my BCN are being very supportive over it.

One of the things that has helped *a lot* is this book -

The Cancer Survivor’s Companion: Practical Ways to Cope with Your Feelings After Cancer.

I’m not one normally for ‘self help’ books but I feel like Dr Goodhart has climbed inside my head to write this! You can watch a brief video clip of her talking about the book here -

Even if you don’t need counselling as such I would still recommend it as being very useful in helping to deal with the aftermath of treatment.

Just remember that there is help out there to be had and as DJ007 say - don’t be afraid to ask for it!
