
ladies, is anyone having any counselling at the moment (following treatment and ops) ? I have been having some sessions , monthly at moment, but feel that i need perhaps something more tailored to ‘recovering from specifically - cancer’. I feel that I need some tips/methods to get through times when i have negatitive thoughts etc - my counsellor is good but just lets me talk and doesnt really offer any suggestions on how to deal with bad days.



Dear vez

I am sorry you are feeling this way and wondered if you have considered Breast Cancer Care’s peer support service, the telephone service aims to quickly put you in touch with one of our trained peer supporters, who has had a personal experience of breast cancer. Our peer supporters are from diverse backgrounds and ages and have experienced different types of breast cancer and treatments. They are ready to listen, offer skilled emotional support and share their experiences and understanding. For more information about this and other support available to you telephone our helpline on 0808 800 6000 or email <script type=“text/javascript”>eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%69%6e%66%6f%40%62%72%65%61%73%74%63%61%6e%63%65%72%63%61%72%65%2e%6f%72%67%2e%75%6b%22%3e%69%6e%66%6f%40%62%72%65%61%73%74%63%61%6e%63%65%72%63%61%72%65%2e%6f%72%67%2e%75%6b%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b’))</script>.

Best wishes


I am going to see a psychologist next month who I was referred to via my bc nurse. she only works with patients with cancer so am hoping I will be able to find away to move on with my life.

Hope you find something else

Hiya - I haven’t tried it, but I noticed that ‘The Haven’ breast cancer support centres do telephone counselling regardless of where you live…

Good luck x

Hi Vez
I have had a whole 12 sessions of counselling. last session was end of Nov. I am going tomorrow for a closure session.
I have thought a lot over the past week whether it has helped. I think it has.
We did a lot of cognitive therapy work. It was centred on ‘coping mechanisms’

My counsellor was very helpful and we discussed every area of my life not just BC related as i had so many difficulties and the BC for me came at a ‘horrendous’ time in my life.

I am a much more balanced person and cope so much better with the whole cancer Dx because of my counselling.

if you want any help or advice plse post or whisper me.



I have to say that I had all the counselling/therapy going and I don’t think any of it worked. I had 6 months with a psychologist and 6 months with the psychology team affiliated to the oncology team where I was treated who only deal with people who have had cancer. None of it seemed to make any difference - mind you I was an extreme case mentally - I was i ntrauma.

I think the only answer is time . It does fade with time but it takes a long time.

Love to all


I think coming on here and meeting people going through the same illness,with the same emotions and day to day problems as yourself is half the battle won! When you are at your lowest there is always someone out there in cyberspace ready to lend an ear and offer advice…and let’s face it we’ve all been there! I was offered counselling but after one session realised that luckily for me I could get all the support I need from you girls!..Big thanks!!

The Cancer Counselling Trust will also do telephone couselling.