I don’t usually have a sweet tooth, but since my radiotherapy which started on 2nd October I really want to eat anything with sugar…like my body is telling me thats what it needs!
Has anyone else noticed this or am I just looking for excuses to eat cake?
It would be great if that WAS what our bodies really needed wouldn’t it ? .
When I was having radiotherapy I felt a bit off immediately after every treatment - liked I’d worked a nightshift . Once I’d had a sit down a coffee and a piece of cake I was fine for the rest of the day . After treatment had finished I had fatigue and often felt sick ( nausea is something I am prone to ) and couldn’t eat anything but once I had started to eat something which was usually a ginger biscuit , I felt better. I already had a sweet tooth so I did then find it hard to control the cravings and I am now losing the weight I started putting back on at that time.
Radiotherapy is a stress on your body and I think it’s just looking for energy / an instant boost . In the short term it shouldn’t hurt and especially if you don’t normally have a sweet tooth then hopefully this will be just a temporary phase. Not everyone gets fatigue and even less experience nausea but if it happens don’t get frustrated with yourself . Give yourself time to get over it drink plenty of water and schedule a rest into your day .
Well done for getting this far with your treatment, wishing you well going forward for an excellent outcome.
As regards a sweet tooth, try not to worry too much at the moment, keep an eye on your weight, however I think you deserve anything your heart desires after what you have been through.
I finished my five radiotherapy sessions last week, and the hunger is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before! I’m sure I could eat a whole roast beef joint if it was offered! Oddly enough, when I would normally prefer sweet foods, it’s actual proper food I’m craving!