It is with saddness that we are sharing this on behalf of Cress’ daughter.
I’m Julias teenage daughter Marcella - and am sending this message to everyone in her inbox to let them know that she sadly passed away in the early hours of Wednesday. Her metastices had spread greatly when she was too weak for chemotherapy and we cared for her at home for a few wonderful weeks. She passed peacefully and without suffering, surrounded by all her family and closest friends.
She was a beautiful woman with elegance, style, intelligence and an inherent need to help and support others selflessly. She had a fullfilled life through her many years at the council supporting and helping local authority tenancy groups - across London. She then moved onto working for Oxfam after many years as a volunteer, performing merchandising, training and retail skills that raised millions for those in need of water, food and medicine.
Me and my dad are greatly hurt by her leaving us but one of the last things she said to me was that she would be forever in my heart and would watch over everything I go on to do with great pride. In every milestone in my life I will look to the clouds and smile because of all the happy memories we made.
For every person that loses this incredible battle there are those who win and I will do all I can with charity work to help increase that number. The important thing she taught me is to never lose hope and right until the end - thats exactly what she did, researching every trial treatment under the sun.
She fought incredibly hard all the way until the end and was an informed, interested and engaged part of the wonderful work at the Macmillan unit.
We will have a beautiful service for her filled with love, light and beautiful flowers. Thank you to everyone on this forum for being there for her and providing her with the practical advice she treasured greatly. I wish you all the best in your treatment and will be thinking of you all, as will she.