Thanks to all you teachers who have replied to my posting. I’m getting to the point where I am that busy with my post diagnosis life that I am rather wondering how I ever fitted in the time for going to work! Hope that reassures all that I am managing not being at school ok. However, I just remember very vividly the time before christmas during that first chemo cycle when 2 days in work, at christmas, would have made all the difference and how clumsy the letter was that I received from school. Think it was a standard letter supplied by County. Also am sure that it is the insurance system nationally that provides no incentive for schools to have sick teachers into work on odd days they are well. Just such a waste of talent that some light duties are not allowed as and when the teacher feels up to it. I could get so much done on department policies or our virtual learning environment or… actually what am I saying…! I’m just going to be sick quietly, and get on with the rest of my life! I see many of my students in the town, in the supermarket or similar, often as I’m out for the night, going for a drink or similar in my well weeks. As its a High School I teach at, in a very rural setting, I keep in touch with some students through bumping into them in this way. Some are children of my friends and so on. Sixth formers often in my local and year 9s in Sainsburys! They’ve been lovely.
Lily, I was diagnosed mid Nov. Having 3 FEC then 3 Taxotere before surgery and then rad. Hopefully may be able to have just a lumpectomy, but open to a mastectomy if thought better nearer the time. More worried about the extent of the lymph node removal as radiologist found only one node to examine and thought that looked suspicious. Biopsies came back neg but the onc thinks its likely to be a false neg. He would prefer full clearance, but I am concerned about risk of lymphoedema. I need full use of my arms as I have crazy lifestyle, being young and single and no children of my own. I have put a wadfull of cash to one side for the summer when I get the all clear (positive thinking or what!) to do 2 things. 1. big party with money behind bar to say thanks to all my friends and 2. pilots licence in 3 weeks, going out for hours everyday. We’ll see.
Lily, you mentioned about money. I’m almost certainly going to get into half pay situation around May, but Macmillan benefits advisor coming to help fill in DLA forms on friday and I am led to believe that this is not means tested and should bring my net pay up to about the same as on full time full pay. Here’s hoping as I don’t want to eat into my party cash (just joking)!
Ladies, what we all seem to have in common is the passion and desire to be in touch with work, supported by our colleagues, learning of the progress of our youngsters, and eased back in at a slower pace than many of us have managed. I will take heed of this and when the time comes will not rush back, perhaps just bear the summer holiday timing in mind too. Perhaps a few weeks before the holidays to ease me in, then the summer hols and then the autumn term start afresh.
Does it seem to others that in teaching, you have to be off sick or fully fit and functioning, and absolutely nothing else in between? There is simply no provision for being nearly well. Nationally, I would like to see us extend the workload agreement as follows. When a classroom teacher has been off sick to the extent of requiring a sicknote (namely 7 days+) there should be a halfday PPA before any classroom contact to enable the safe and effective handover and preparation for teaching. It is such a brick wall to face return to teaching at 8.45am when you have been genuinely sick the day before. When are we supposed to prepare for the 9am lesson, or those immediately following all day?!
I really don’t seem to have accepted that I am off sick do I?!! Please laugh at me, alongside me, as I am laughing. Its also nearly 2am and I am still on here…! Good night folks and thanks for reading and replying. Its good to have friends here, even if colleagues are not allowed to be in contact for some teachers (crazy world).
Kinden, I suffered tinnitus markedly with my first chemo cycle, but this has settled down for me now. However, I can’t imagine being told it might be permanent or worse. The only solice I can offer if that you have a 5 year old to hug, and after this, I will just never get the chance. Still hoping adoption may be possible, but as a single just over 40, would this be fair on any child? You won’t want my pity so instead have my love and caring. Sweet dreams people.