CT after MRI


I was diagnosed with Lobular cancer a couple of weeks ago, I had an MRI scan on Monday, I was initially told the tumour was small and contained, now after the MRI I have asked in for a CT scan (back, pelvis and abdomen) on Saturday. Is this normal or should I be as terrified as I am?

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CT scan is very much standard. Which area did they cover in the MRI scan.

It’s fairly standard to go for a CR scan, terrifying though it is!

Try not to worry… they like taking a base line of where you are now.

Hang on in there x

CT !!! No idea what a CR scan is !!!

Having the CT scan and the wait for results was these worst time after my lobular diagnosis. They told me it’s standard procedure. I hope it goes well for you x

Thank you all so much for your replies. The MRI was just the breasts and I guess Lymph nodes… the nodes look clear. I can’t help imagining the worse…I’ve been to quite a dark place today. Thanks again x

I was never offered a full body scan with lobular so it isn’t a standard requirement. We all have such different diagnosis, plan and experience so best not to read too much into it. The waiting is always hell. Hang in there x

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Hi there
I was diagnosed with lobular cancer in January and was not offered a CT scan. After my surgery I asked if I could have one as my body confidence was shot given that I’d presented with no symptoms, so I wouldn’t read too much into it.
It’s all a very anxious time and you are not alone in feeling insecure.

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Hi halyley3

Thanks for posting.

Waiting for tests and results is a very difficult time as @donna_51, @dumbledore and @laneycass have said.

Everyone’s experience of being diagnosed is different and some units may do additional scans as a matter of routine while others may not. The tests and scans that are needed will give treatment teams all the information they need to plan the treatment and care a person needs depending on their individual situation.

An MRI scan of the breasts is very common after a diagnosis of lobular cancer. A CT scan may be useful after this for some people to check the areas you mention, for completeness.

It’s understandable you feel terrified and is natural that you are imagining the worst. You might find it helpful to call our helpline to talk this through more or ask any further questions as we often find we can help people more by speaking to them on the phone. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK -prefix 18001).

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Breast Care Nurse

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