CT scan after biopsy

I was diagnosed with grade 2 breast cancer in September. I have now had a CT scan and I am waiting on the results. I am really worried it has spread. Is it usual to have a CT scan after biopsy. There is no spread to the lymph nodes.

Its likely a belt and braces approach by your team…to rule put rather than rule in.
Cancer cells can teavel by blood stream as well as lymph nodes, so this will likeely gove you peace of mindwisjing you well

I had one. It seems to be standard practice at my hospital, I think all trusts are different. Try not to overthink it x

Hi music82, I had an mri scan. I think it is routine to have a scan after biopsy so they can check that it hopefully has not spread. Hope all goes well x

I had one after my biopsies and I’d been identified as no node spread too. Just thoroughly checking, I think.

I think it depends on the grade and the type of cancer they find in the biopsy . I didn’t have any extra scans but my cancer was Grade 1 of a type that rarely spreads outside of the breast ( tubular ) . My friend at the same Trust was diagnosed as Grade 2 though later downgraded to Grade 1 and had lobular cancer which can be harder to fully visualise on mammogram so she had an MRI after biopsy .

How long does it take for ct results to come back? I’ve got a ct scan tomorrow

This isn’t a helpful answer but it can vary . I would suggest you ask them tomorrow - they will probably give you the latest date they expect it to come back - probably a bit of a delay due to Christmas and New Year Bank Holidays . Sorry not to be more helpful . Xx