CT scan /Radiation Planning

Going to be Joining you ladies soon. Got my appointment through for a CT scan and Radiation planning on the 4th Feb.Have just finished chemo (yippee) havent had a CT scan before and am a bit worried as i get claustrophobic in confined places, if any of you ladies can give me any Advice/Tips on what to expect it would be realy helpfull so i know what to expect, also what will happen at the radiation planning , I hate the though of haveing scans (daft i know) but always worried that they might find somehing else lurking urghhh (getting a bit paronoid i think) Anyway any advice is realy appreiciated
Hope your all doing ok
Best Wishes

I’m having my planning etc on Feb 14th and was thinking about all the things you are asking! I too am worried about the scan in case they find something! Glad it’s not just me!
I’m looking forward to hearing the experience of others on this.
Hope yours goes ok!
Tracey x

Hi Lindiloo and Misty42

I’ve just had my rads planning and you don’t need to worry as a CT scan is not the same as an MRI i.e. you don’t go into a tunnel. It’s just a hole like a polo mint that moves up and down a little and it not wide. You can see everything. It’s all very easy you just lie down and they put you into position, measure you, move you around a bit, take a few xrays and then mark tiny tattoo dots on your breast area in order that they can line you up in exactly the same position for when you come back for the treatment - it’s as simple as that.
What dates do yours start?

Thanks Ruby1,

Thats realy put my mind at rest a bit more, thank goodness its not a tunnel ,think they would have to knock me out for a MRI scan (lol) the rads plannings is on the 4th feb havent got the dates for radiation yet, expect ill find out then.I will be haveing four and a half weeks of rads then 2 yrs Tomoxifin and 3 yrs Arimadex

Hi Misty42, glad its not only me either thats worried about scans and stuff. good luck for the 14th Feb when you have yours.

All the Best to you both
Lindiloo xx