Ct scan results anxiety

Had a masectomy on the 21st of jan was told it was dcis 21mm they also found an 8mm grade 2 cancer :sleepy: had to have a ct scan last saturday all very quick x today my results will be in im just terrified its gone somewhere else and how im.going to cope this is my second time with breast cancer and im a young 64 with a zest for life and a wonderful little family X

Oh @gayedw I’m so sorry that the scanxiety has got so bad. Did they tell you that the scan was given to you quickly specifically to test for spread? Obviously it is the thing that everyone fears but it could be just to rule it out as they had previously devised a treatment plan just to deal with DCIS and are now going through standard practice as they have found an IDC. I hope that you’re able to take someone with you to the appointment as you’re going to be het up and not completely able to take in everything that is said. I will keep everything crossed that it is good news and you can feel relief and have a mini celebration with your lovely family. Do let us know.

Hi @gayedw

Im so sorry you’re going through this. I’m facing something similar. I had BC (similar diagnosis to yours) when I was 37. I had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy and was clear for 23 years! It came back 5 years ago and I had a mastectomy and Letrozole for 10 years. This time it was in 3 lymph nodes so I had a full clearance with NED.

I have now got a Basal Cell Carcinoma which I need surgery for. The type of skin cancer I have doesn’t spread but the consultant wanted to do a CT scan as a precaution. I’ve had it now but it’s sent me into meltdown thinking they will find BC mets! I’m on a holiday I’ve saved for years for so I’ve chosen to wait for the results until I get back on 19th February. My anxiety is through the roof but there’s nothing I can do now.
I’m 65 now and like you have adult children and grandchildren. Sending positive thoughts your way and hoping for good news for us both x x x


Hello Tigress, your so kind to respond as I havnt been up to answering messages sorry x

when they did the masectomy they found an unexpected grade 2 8mm lump and as Ive already had my lymph nodes removed 21 years ago they wanted to be sure there was no spread to other organs …Also Im waiting to see if the lump is herceptin positive xThankyou for your good wishes i hope you are doing well too im sorry im not more interactive Ive got myself into a little frenzy but I have a wonderful husband who has been my absolute rock at every single appointment who could look at my scar well before I could who is gentle and caring so grateful for that X


Oh my goodness yes you are in a similar situation to my my self ,So glad your on your holiday of a lifetime you just have to put your results to the back of your mind and enjoy X Youve done the right thing waiting for results we had singapore /bali booked for March but had to cancel x
So sorry you have skin cancer now to deal with but thankfully its the one that wont spread !
This journey is so hard a real roller coaster im so thankful for each day i really am …
Im sending you big hugs and positive thoughts too try and enjoy every moment of your special holiday today the sun is hining here and Im just pretending everything is okay x

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