CT Scan - scared

Just received my appointment for a CT scan on Weds 11th, so will know what is going to happen soon. Been ignoring the news for a while but now has brought it all back the anxiety and the fear. Deep breathe and keep going only 4 days for the scan and a possible plan in 5 days. Shaky. X 



Sending you hugs for Wednesday, that is the day I have my first mammo post diagnosis in 2016.


Helena xxx

I understand your anxiety - all the waiting is awful…wishing you the best

Had the CT scan today. No problems they were able to find a vein and the dye was OK. Really good experience no long queues no long waiting times. Wait until the end of next week to hear the game plan. More waiting, still next week is only the 3rd week since I was given the news and there was Easter in there too. X 

Hi Cazzy,
Please don’t feel you’re letting others down, there’s nothing more you can do about it & by just getting on with things, it sounds like you’re handling this difficult period just fine. So frustrating, as you just want to get on with it, but it will soon be resolved.
ann x

Morning Cazzy,

I feel your pain. Everything seems to move so slowly and you never know from one appointment to the next what’s happening or going to be done. It is very frustrating isn’t it? Keeping busy is easiest to keep the mind and body occupied. If your hallway isn’t enough to keep you busy, I have a hallway that needs a lick of paint :slight_smile:
