cutting curly chemo hair
cutting curly chemo hair Hi, just wanted to ask if there is anyone out there who has had a hair cut SINCE hair has regrown?
My hair has grown back curly, which is nice and i like it very much. Its nearly two years of regrowth and past my shoulders.
I was fine about being bald as i have always had very short hair. Now the novelty of hair has warn off and i am wanting to get it cut.
I am wondering that if i get it cut will i loose the curls???
Hi Su My normally straight red hair came back totally grey with tight corkscrew curls. When the curls were 2-3 inches long they began to relax a bit and when the red began to come back too, I took myself off to the hair salon to have a trim.
My hairdresser, who has known me for some years, was astonished by the regrowth - 3 years on she still says she’ll never forget those curls, and she gave me a layered bob. The result is a return to straight hair with some gentle waves to remind me of the curls.
I think the curls are a symptom of the damage done to the follicles by the chemo, and as the effects wear off, you lose them, unless you were curly in the first place.
No haircut for me then. Thanks Gandalf
Think i will carry on with the curls. It’s just remembering to brush it everyday…
I wasn’t curly to begin with . It’s a shame the curls disappear after a trim . I really liked it short and curly, about 6 months regrowth