Cutting out dairy if oestrogen positive

My tumour was ER+ and a friend has mentioned that I might want to consider cutting out dairy, as it contains oestrogen. Does anyone have any experience / knowledge on this? I am happy to do everything I can to reduce my risk of recurrence.

Firstly, some friends are too much effort.

Secondly, I don’t know how much estrogen is in dairy, but my husband works on a dairy farm, milking cows, and contrary to popular belief they are not fed hormones to produce milk.  Any estrogen will be naturally occurring. 

So… thirdly… I would suggest discussing this with an oncologist, or maybe even your BCN might have ideas.  I am going to lose drastic amounts of weight because I am “very obese” and I believe my very own fat is contributing to estrogen, and any reduction of my weight can only be good for me.

geeeez… every time I read that your friend mentioned cutting out dairy I nearly have apoplexy.  Whatever that is.  How dare she???

Geeeeezzzz…  Ah!  let me find a dog to kick!

Hi Rosie,

Some on here have done this, but it’s good to be sceptical about any claims.

When it comes down to it, healthy eating, being active, any alcohol in moderation & maintaining a healthy weight is where it’s at. 

For further info cancer myths from Cancer Research UK is a helpful read.

ann x

Hi, I’m with you on this.  I’m also oestrogen positive and after reading up about it, and talking to a nutritionist  I’m doing two things. Losing weight so there’s less oestrogen in my body , and changing my diet to reduce the intake of foods containing oestrogen and increase the intake of fruit and veg. ( so perhaps that’s three things!?) I’m also on Letrozole which inhibits the production of oestrogen. There’s a great interactive site on aromatise inhibitors advising on foods and saying what each one does. I’ve saved it on my favourites. I’ve managed to lose 20lbs so far by adopting a more Mediterranean diet, and reducing the amount of red meat I eat. Didn’t eat beef anyway, but I do eat loads more fish - not battered!! I’m very happy with the changes I’ve made, enjoy my food more and feel better for the weight loss. I think you should read up on it and then make up your own mind. X

My rather extreme reaction was not to the dairy thing, I hope you realise, but to the fact that someone who (presumably) does not have cancer found it necessary to heap guilt on someone who has, by saying that eating or not eating something might change it.  I have nothing against skipping dairy, if it’s true, and if it makes you feel better.  I hadn’t actually heard that, but I have also been reading up.  Most of the articles are trying to add estrogen though, and the only thing I’ve read consistently across most articles is that soy is not good, so it makes you wonder.


So, rosietd, I’m on YOUR side, and don’t care about the dairy.


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I do slimming world which does restrict dairy some what but since diagnosis and holiday have lost my way with dieting a bit … however I do intend to continue but hope I can perhaps request to see x nutritionist at next appointment xx

I got myself quite wound up when first diagnosed and removed all dairy, sugar, carbs and red meat from my diet. I also stopped drinking alcohol and stopped smoking altogether( only smoked when socialising). 6 months later I have relaxed little but still avoid dairy and use substitutes. Will definitely never smoke again. Only have 2 or 3 alcoholic drinks now when I’m out interspersed with non alco beer or ciders. I absolutely have come to love vegetables and fruit and nuts, seeds and legumes and try to have them as my main diet. I eat lots more fish, usually Salmon, and never touch sweets or deserts! Upside is combined with exercising i have lost nearly 2 stones!! There is a great book I refer to from time to time called ‘take breast cancer off your menu’ highly recommend it for us ER + ladies!!! ??

“Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”
–  Edward Stanley (1826-1893)


“Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine your food” Hypocrates (the father of medicine)


Our actual medical doctors know next to nothing about nutrition. They receive no significant training during their medical education!


I am not one who believes that diet alone will cure this. There are many people who exercise and have excellent diets and yet still get this. I do, however, believe we can all improve our diets to help us through this, whatever stage we are at, and any improvement is better than none.


Personally I’ve removed processed food (if I need a science degree to read the label I don’t want to eat it), dairy, refined sugars and refined carbohydrates. I did this within a couple of days of diagnosis (6 months ago). Anything I eat feeds by body. If it doesn’t it doesn’t go in. I really don’t feel I’m missing out on anything and I am appreciating thevtastes and textures of what I eat now.


One thing I will say though, is that I was really worried about stopping the HRT I was on. I had only been on it a few months, but it had made a huge difference to me. I had finally got me back after 5years if struggling along without. If I tried to stretch the patches out for longer so I was taking less, I and those around me could tell the difference, so I was dreading the return of the symptoms as well as dealing with this ordeal. Well my diet change was exactly at the same time as stopping HRT and I have not returned to the severe symptoms I suffered before. Yes I get hot flushes, but they are the least of my worries. I’ve also lost 4 1/2 stone.  So, even if it doesn’t help rid me of cancer, my diet change has helped me to feel fitter and healthier than I have for many years, meaning I’m in a better place to cope with all this @#%@#&.

I know my post was long enough, but forgot to say I’ve cut out meat and only eat wild fish.


I have discovered coconut milk mocha as a treat though! Decaf coffee, dark coco powder and coconut milk. It’s like drinking bounty bars!!

I’ve been dairy free practically all my life. Not a lifestyle choice or anything, I just can’t stand the taste of milk, cheese, cream. I haven’t got a particularly sweet tooth, so don’t really go for chocolate. (I’m no saint, if you try and share my crisps or myy wine, I will plot your untimely demise :smileyvery-happy:)



And I still ended up with Oestrogen positive breast cancer. Just saying.

It’s worth bearing in mind that if you’re ER+ and on Anastrozole, dairy will help avoid osteoporosis…

Well said @ appletree I totally agree ?

Apple tree I agree with what you say, but surely any lactating cow or sheep or goat or whatever must be full of their own hormones to produce their milk. I don’t know how similar animal hormones are to human ones & whether they can link to our ER receptors, but might it be worth not taking the risk if you are highly ER positive? Just a thought. x

Hi Maria Thanks for that. Very interesting. There are so many books recommending cutting out dairy that it is tempting, especially as there are plenty of alternatives, but take your point about nutrients Appletree. I really believe that stress played a part in my cancer too as there were a lot of difficult things going on the year before I got it. x