Cyberknife news item on ITV tonight

Just seen (Wed 6.55pm) on ITV national news item about a lady trying to access Cyberknife for cervical cancer and the barriers to getting treatment. At least it’s some publicity about number of machines in US and Europe compared with UK and an MP (from Wells) was commenting on the lamentable situation in UK. National publicity - hurrah!

here here !! It was on 10 o’clock news as well.

Yes, lets hope it gets some action!

Hi Frances, I’ve also just posted about this news item, and am including a link to it below, for those who may have missed it. One of the journalists on ITN has taken this issue on, because his Mum needed Cyberknife and couldn’t get funding for it. they ended up going to Turkey, because despite Turkey being virtually a third world country they have six Cyberknife machines (puts us to shame doesn’t it?).
Anyway,I believe the Mail are also just about to do another story, so hopefully cancer patients will begin to wake up to what’s going on.

Interesting inside info on why ITN are taking up this issue - wondered at the time what had prompted the report… Thanks for putting up the link.