Hi, I’m a newbie here. I’ve got mets in sternum, chest nodes, liver, pelvis, cutaneous nodes, plus pleural thickening. Have previously been on Tamoxifen, Letrozole, Zoladex, Capecetibine. paclitaxol, Exemestane…now on Eribulin, just finished cycle 7. Are the side effects cumulative?? I felt amazing cycles 1-4, now I feel **bleep**. On Cyclizine for nausea, and just feel generally unwell. Anyone else got up to cycle 8 and beyond?..
Hi cazj,
A very warm welcome to the forum :smileyvery-happy:
I am sorry to hear you’re experiencing such rubbish side effects and I am sure some of our users will be along to share their experiences and show their support soon.
In the meantime you can always post on our Ask our Nurses board or call our helpline on 0808 800 6000, who will be able to talk you through any questions you have and offer a friendly ear. The opening hours are below:
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Late opening: Wednesday, 9am-7pm
Saturday: 9am-1pm
Best wishes,
Hello caz
I’m sorry you are feeling unwell …there is a very useful thread called " chemo buddy anyone on eribulin" if you go to that one …there is a lot of active chit chat …they call themselves the spongebobs !! But they are very friendly and will welcome you in with such kindness. .
Hi Cazj
Sorry you’ve joined us, as Carolyn says do look on the Chemo Buddy thread. Lots of good advice from us Spongebobbers particularly Moijan & Withasmile.
I have just started Cycle 9 today. Had scan after 3 & 8 - first scan showed slight reduction in liver mets (also have bones & nodes), second scan couldn’t see any visible reduction but no progression either so I am continuing on eribulin for at least another 2 cycles. I feel pretty ok most of the time, some neuropathy in hands & toes - one finger in particular is completely numb but otherwise ok, fingers crossed it stays that way! Previously had tamoxifen, letrozole, docetaxol, herceptin, kadcyla, exemestane. Been on denosumab & zoladex since Dec 2012 when diagnosed primary & secondary together.
Have you had a scan & are you continuing on eribulin?
All the best with your treatment.
Helen x
Hi Cazj,
yes please come and join us
Chemo buddy needed, anyone on Eribulin?
I think I felt a bit like you, when I started the thread…have now had 20 cycles and yes I think the effects are cumulative, but guess ive been lucky ish up until this last cycle…but the results were amazing for quite a while.
best wishes, Moijanxx