
Hi I have a question, in 5mths time I will be coming to the end of my 5yrs daily course of Tamoxifin after a mastectomy, chemo and radiotherapy but over the last two months I have had pain in my other breast which oddly enough feels like it did before my period stopped due to the chemo, just as though I my breast was staring to swelling before my period, now as December will be the last appointment (YEAH!) do you think I should mention it when I go for my appointment with my concultant??

Hi CBR55, I am quite new to all this, but I think you should mention it to the BCN before December or at least ask the Helpline on here, just to put your mind at rest. Hope all goes well .Best wishes Kathyx

Hi Cbr55

In addition to the support you will receive on this forum, as Bowl of cherries said you can also give our helpline a call to talk over any concerns. They are open from 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000.

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator