D-Day is Wednesday

So, my wedding is over (it was brilliant) and my week away is over (also, brilliant)

Now my brain has nothing else to actually PLAN, I have gone back to crying-every-5-minutes-mode.

I am absolutely petrified of Wednesday and what I will have to go through. I think part of my main worry, is not just the physical and mental changes I will go through, but the fact the *I* am not in control of what is happening…

So - I need your help - I need my ‘What-Not-To-Forget’ List!!

Getting my bag packed tomorrow - so far I have…

2 x light wrap-over dressing gowns
2 x lightweight comfy pajama bottoms
1 x mens pajama set - button up and warm
1 x ‘squishy’ pillow (for comforting)
Smellies/face wipes/moisturisers etc
A couple of wrap around tops (I’ve heard getting a tee shirt on after a mastectomy, let alone a bilateral mastectomy, is hard!!!)
Nintendo DS Lite + a zillion games

What else would you recommend? What things will be helpful for me?

I’m now off to my local to have my ‘Bye Bye Boobies Bash’. I know I am going to be crying for most of the night - so no make-up for me!!

J x

Dear poannie

If you feel that you would like to talk to someone in confidence about how you are feeling at the moment, please do not hesitate to contact our helpline. Our specialist nurses can offer you support and information which may help you to cope with the next phase of your treatment.

The helpline number is 0808 800 6000 Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

Kind regards

Breast Cancer Care

Hi J

sorry your going through this, i had an op in late Feb and was petrified, had a recon. I took about 7 suitcases with me, i love being prepared, i took some squash to add to the water there as it gets a bit boring just having water, dried fruit to pick on in case i got hungry in between or didnt like the food, a picture of my lovely son by my bedside, that was a nice touch when i was missing him, lots of magazines. Take a towel and face cloth at some point you will be having a wash down. oh some slippers in case your having a walk about. A huge amount of money for the tv/phone. Will keep thinking about what i took, hope this has helped for now.

Hope you have a few good drinks tonight and keep brave.

Good luck,
love Tracey

box of tissues
puzzle book
lavender oil - a drop on a tissue by your pillow is very relaxing
a zillion hugs (((((( poannie )))))))

The photos are a brill idea. I haven’t been in yet, so am finding this very useful. What about a bit of make-up and a comb, toothbrush…

def a bit of make up, seeing as my surgeon was a bit of a hunk, got to make the effort even if you can hardly move your arms to put your lipstick on.

oh one more, slip on shoes for when your going home, you want to leave the long zip up boots at home, this may be tough after surgery, and my zip up boots always require me to put my leg in the air to try and get the zip up to the top, due to me not having kate moss’s legs, ha ha.

Hi J

Thought would just send you my best wishes. No idea what to take as think everyone has covered that. Good luck for Wednesday and will be thinking of you. Hope your ‘Bye Bye Boobies Bash’ went ok and you didn’t spend too much of the night upset.

Sending lots of cyber hugs.

Take care

Hi J,

ditto what dawn says, I hope you had an awesome time at your ‘bye bye boobies’ bash! Think you’ve got it pretty sussed what to take into hosp. One thing I found though was it can be quite hard to sleep at night, so I would recommend an eye mask and ear plugs. Sometimes the lights in my ward didn’t go out 'til gone midnight!!!

Also, if you have ordered the ‘exercises after breast surgery’ booklet from this site then be sure to take it with you. I found it invaluable. Finally, if you enjoy a nice brew then its a nice idea to take your own mug or cup. I didn’t and had to suffer with a horrid plastic cup each time, whilst the old girl opposite me drank out of her lovely mug!!

Take care and I hope all goes well,


Hi J

Have been thinking about you and wondering when you were due back from honeymoon. I am so glad you had a great time. I think everyone else has covered the what to take to hospital issue. I will be thinking of you on Wednesday. Lots and lots of love.

Julie N

Hi Poannie

Just wanted to wish you well for Wednesday. I can’t really give any advice on what to take in (although you sound as if you’ve got it all sorted anyway bless you !) as I’m not due for mine until 3rd October, but I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine - will be thinking of you.

Lots of love and a big hug

Julie xxx

Just to add my best wishes - you’ll get through it. I hated being away from my own bed. I found lots of nice M&S goodies eg fruit boxes, biscuits etc helped me in those first few days when your appetite wasn’t at it’s best.
Good luck

Take care and be good to yourself

