Damage to heart from FEC

Just wondering if there is anyone Elsie out there with this problem?
I finished my last FEC last Monday and was admitted to hospital early hours of Tuesday with chest pain! To cut a long story short I now have Tricuspid regurgitation and aortic stenosis, which appear to be a side affect from the FEC and also the the tumour.
I am due my rads planning this Tuesday and wondering if any else has had this problem and how they get around the rads problem.

That was meant to say else, rather than only people called Elsie reply :slight_smile:

I’m bumping this myself, hoping Im not the only one!

Sorry, I can only bump this up for you, hope you get a reply x

I’m afraid I can’t really help except to say I only had one fec and was taken off it because the symptoms I reported implied it may be damaging my heart.

Although I do not have the same problems that you have mentioned Philomena, I do have complications from FEC that I had 5 years ago. I developed atrial fibrillation (palpitations to the rest of us!), the ‘E’ part of the FEC can cause heart problems that are well documented. Unfortunately, as I also have secondaries, this is further complicating my continuing treatment options and I am now seeing a heart specialist to help with these.

Thank you Nicky and Maire, I am going to bump this up again and see who else its affected :slight_smile: